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Vernon Leftwich, ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FAMU chapter.

Full Name: Vernon Rashad Leftwich
Major: Social Work
Classification: Senior
Hometown: Washington, DC
Relationship Status: Single
Campus Involvement: President of Collegiate 100 of FAMU, Food Service Committee, 2012-2013 Royal Court Escort

VL: I was offered a scholarship and it made my mother happy so I decided to give it a try. On my first days on the hill I realized that I would forever bleed orange and green. I became very active, I was welcomed by so many, and the FAMU-ly I gained cannot and will not ever be replaced.

HC FAMU: What influenced your decision to join the Royal Court this year and what event are you looking forward to?
VL: I was influenced to join the court because I understand that trails and tribulations the university is going through. They need a group of diverse and passionate individuals to make a difference and to be the face of this university. Since my freshmen year I have known members of the royal court personally and listening to their experiences always sparked interest in me. I am excited to do any form of recruiting. I find myself able to go on and on about the amazingness (yes, i made that word up) of our beloved institution. To be able to share that love and to bring others here will do me very well.

HC FAMU: What legacy do you hope to leave behind at FAMU?
VL: I hope to leave a positive impression on the lives of many that can continually be passed down. I want people that know me and know of me to remember that I was able to bring a smile to their face.

HC FAMU: Celeb Crush?
VL: I honestly do not have one.

HC FAMU: What mantra or motto do you live by?
VL: “I am because of who I was,” which basically means throughout all the ups and downs I have gone through in my past, each situation has influence the person I have grown into today.

HC FAMU: Favorite music?
VL: Music of almost any kind.

HC FAMU: Most embarrassing moment on campus?
VL: I thought long and I don’t think I have one. I am hardly embarrassed because I laugh at myself too much.

Itopia is a senior from New Rochelle, New York studying Magazine Production. She is the founder of Florida A&M's campus branch. After graduation, Itopia plans to move back to NY and go to fashion school! In her spare time Itopia enjoys tweeting, browing on Tumblr, eating and listening to music.