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5 Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

With the start of the new year comes resolutions, but sometimes they can be difficult to keep up with. Here are some tips to help you keep your resolution and make 2020 your best year yet!

Have a specific goal

Know exactly what you want to achieve and how you want to do it. A vague and broad resolution won’t be easy to keep track of. Keep it simple and create benchmarks for yourself so that your progress will be much easier to track.

Create a plan

Give yourself measurable goals that you can track over a period of time. With every small goal that you’re able to achieve, you’ll become more and more motivated to continue working towards your resolution.

Be open about it

Don’t keep your resolution hidden, and instead write notes in a planner or set reminders on your phone. By putting it out in the open, you’ll be reminded of it and why you set the goal for yourself.

Talk to friends and family

Not only will your friends and family be able to provide words of encouragement, but they will be able to hold you accountable. Knowing that you shared your resolution with them might give you the motivation to actually follow through with it. Plus, you don’t know who has done something similar in the past and might be able to give you advice to help you succeed.

Don’t be discouraged

You’ll probably make a mistake or two while trying to keep your resolution, but don’t let it stop you. No one who is successful will be absolutely perfect all the time. Use your mistakes as motivation to remember why you wanted to change something in your life, and don’t give up!

Keep these tips in mind and continue working hard to reach your goals this year. Happy 2020!

Emily is a senior at FIT studying Advertising and Marketing Communications. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, she now lives in Brooklyn. In her spare time, you can find her watching reality TV or following a Chloe Ting workout video.