High School Musical: The Musical: The Series is a Disney Plus produced show that just wrapped up its first season. Although people are skeptical of the series, it is surprisingly amazing. If you have not seen the series yet, here are 8 reasons to watch the show.
- Disney Nostalgia
The cast performs some of the songs from the original High School Musical. The show alllows for viewers to be reminded about how much they loved High School Musical as a kid.
- Binge-worthy
Although it might seem stupid at first, the show can be rather addicting. Since the episodes are short, it is very easy to get hooked and binge the whole show in one sitting.
- Original Songs
These catchy new songs that add to the High School Musical franchise make the show much more entertaining. The songs are adorable and you can find yourself listening to them on repeat.
- It is a Docuseries
Like The Office, the characters from the show are interviewed in private about the events going on in the show. It is a fun way to watch and a great way to know what the characters are actually thinking.
- Love Triangle
Within the first ten minutes of the show, the viewer is introduced to a love triangle between Nini, Ricky and EJ. Just some of your classic high school drama.
- Realistic Ages
The actors playing high school students are actually within the age range of real life high school students. This makes the show more relatable.
- Season Two is Confirmed
The show was renewed for a second season meaning that the cliffhanger of episode ten will be resolved. They have already started filiming the second season and a promo video was released of the cast singing music from Beauty and the Beast. Also, rumor has it that Zac Efron could be making an appearance.
- Joshua Bassett
And if none of these reasons were convincing enough, JOSHUA BASSETT.