Call me crazy, but I need to give credit to something that completely changed my life. I have no doubt in my mind the shift that showed me my true beauty was a crystal.
First, let me give you a backstory; in 2016, I graduated high school, and just like they say, you start with a plethora of friends and end with only yourself. I can attest that it’s way too accurate and being alone felt like the end of the world, but it was the most transformative time of my life! I was confused, and I cried a lot because I thought there was seriously something wrong with me.
I got a random spark to teach myself about crystals and read self-help books, but the book that stands out the most was A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson. But that’s not why you are here; let’s talk about this crystal that shaped me into who I am today.
An open-heart chakra is like a mirror reflecting universal truth: we are born to love and be loved. This being said, rose quartz opens the heart chakra and fills the auric field with a positive, pink, and calming energy. When this chakra is struggling so are we, we are closed off to receiving love. In Sanskrit, “Anahata,” meaning; unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten, is located at the chest’s center. It is the chakra of self-reflection.
Rose quartz is the stone of love and the best way to incorporate it into your self-care beauty routine. Try using a rose quartz face roller that is beneficial for your health and your skin. Products such as rosewater, which is immersed with positively charged rose quartz crystals, is a refreshing addition to your beauty routine. Another way to incorporate this healing crystal into your life is by wearing it closest to your heart, you can also place it in the relationship part of your house on your bedside table to promote love in an existing relationship.
My first relationship was with myself; just like all relationships require work, I made it a goal to love everything I am. It took a lot of patience and strength but I came out stronger than ever. I would hold my rose quartz crystal to my heart and chant my affirmations :
“I am open to infinite love.”
“I am a positive light.”
“I am beautiful.”
“I am worthy of love.”
Today, I unapologetically live my life taking care of my inner and outer worlds to show up as my authentic self in any situation. I make others smile, I am kind, and I am living my fullest potential each day. Rose quartz is the crystal that showed me the importance of raising my vibration, to embrace the power that we hold, and create the life that we deserve.