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Having A Gamer Boyfriend. New Ex or New Hobby?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

The topic of having relationships, whether friendly or loving, with gamers is continuing to grow more common. But for those of us who are not in the world of video games, it may be a bit meaningless. Being the girlfriend of a gamer guy myself, I must admit that it has been difficult on many occasions to understand why the Esports league is so important.

The large amount of time playing and money invested makes us misunderstand the situation more. We also sometimes feel like we are competing for attention with video games.Time and love makes these issues more understandable. Over time, my boyfriend wanted to share his video games with me, however, that didn’t attract my attention at all. At first, I refused to play any games because they were not interesting to me and I didn’t have enough time due to college classes. However, we found alternatives, including different games and hobbies that were to both our tastes.

In my case, I understood that with comprehension I could manage to recognize why my significant other was interested in sharing an activity that he enjoys and is passionate about. The people in our lives love us so much that they are willing to share that enthusiasm and dedication in order to spend more time together.

If you are not a fan of video games, it is fine to reject an invitation, but it may be good idea to give new hobbies a chance and thus discover that maybe we’ll enjoy them more than we think.

I was born in Venezuela at the beginning of the two thousand. I moved to New York City in 2019 with my family and we have been working as a team ever since. Currently, I am studying Fine Arts at the FIT. Class of 2025. My hobbies are watching movies and series as well as reading fiction.