You know those moments where you start giggling and kicking your feet over a man who is not worth it? Yeah, same. It’s easy to fall for a guy who does the absolute bare minimum, yet we fantasize about all the other possibilities as an outcome. We sit in our rooms, play some lovey dovey music, and romanticize our thoughts. Pretending like we are in some sort of romance movie like 10 Things I Hate About You, we create fake scenarios in our head about a man who does not even give us the time of day. Well, screw that!
Here are three tips on how to get over a guy fast, and how not to be delusional over them when they do nothing good for our souls.
1. Find an ick!
If you find yourself daydreaming over a man who clearly does not give you attention, find an ick about him. This could be literally anything, since it is easy to find any ick about a mediocre man.
For example, think about whether your man or not your actual man is simply standing normally, but his feet are pointed outwards. Ew. Pretend you guy are swimming, and he pulls out a pair of goggles. As a 20 something year old man, why are you wearing goggles? Or imagine he is playing ping pong and he has to go and chase the ping pong ball after it hits the floor. First of all, why did he miss the ball? Second of all, why are you chasing after it like a little boy? (These are all quite normal things to do, but since a grown man is doing it, it is quite icky).
24 year old, Mana Soroush from Los Angeles, says she has three major icks she thinks of when it comes to getting over a guy.
- A man whining because he has to wait his turn on a water slide.
- Having white crust or leftover food on the sides of his mouth when speaking to others.
- Imagining him perform in the The Spongebob Musical: Live on Stage!
If he is seriously performing in a Spongebob musical, please run and never look back…
I think it is safe to say that all of these are icks and can help you get over any man you are being delusional about.
2. if he does not prioritIze you, LEAVE.
“I hate when a man makes you feel like you are not a priority in his life or when he becomes really misogynistic in some scenarios” -Jools Dembo, 21 years old from New York.
If you are not important in his everyday life, then he can go bye-bye! As women, we are constantly sacrificing our precious time just to be humbled by a toxic man. Our brains tell us that it is okay, and that he will get better, but it is a lie! Do not listen to your head, listen to your heart. A real man would always choose you over anything. It is not something that we, as women, expect, but it is something we deserve. You should be treated like a queen, nothing less. If you are not being thought of, if you are not feeling seen, and if your feelings are being invalidated, then it is time to move on because girl, he is so not the hype.
Also, if he is the misogynistic type, run. You do not want to deal with that- they are the biggest gaslighters, victim players, and the worst type of human being.
3. Find someone hotter and richer
All men do is disappoint! So, why cry and be obsessed with a man who is giving you nothing? You might, as well, cry over a man who is at least hot and rich!
Honestly, it is even more preferable when you are crying over a celebrity crush because that SHOULD be your standard. Do not let some average, mean loser break your heart and take up your time. If he is going to disappoint, at least make it worth it. Have this good-looking and rich man take you to fancy dinners, buy you nice things, and have some good intimate moments. He’s definitely not going to be the one, but at least you got something good and free out of it.
Once you realize what a tool he actually is, then it is time to let go and find someone new or better yet, just keep crushing over your celebrity crush. It is way better than dealing with a man who doesn’t know how to treat a woman correctly. It might be hard to let go, since he is probably attractive and wealthy, but just think about all the other horrible factors about him. This man is just someone in your life to make things a bit easier for a while, until you find the right one. Some may call it using, some may call it gold-digging, but what it actually is, is being a smart woman who knows what she wants.
While it is easier said than done, try to use these tips next time you want to get over a man quickly. If you are in a relationship, it could be harder, but time and self-assurance is all you need. You have your entire life ahead of you to find someone who will truly love you and appreciate you. NEVER settle for anything less than that. If this is just a crush, you have all the power in your hands to get over him. Try to think if he is the type to be there for you always, or if he is the type to be a cheater and then gaslight you. You can always tell the true intention of a man after hanging out with him a few times just by how he acts, texts, and who he follows on his social media.
Hope this helps you in getting rid of him from your memory and focusing on more important and better things in life!