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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

It was a gloomy Thursday – not much happening besides my normal class schedule and a trip to the gym. It was when I reached my dorm that I wondered what I was going to spend my night doing. There were so many options: I could hang out with friends, go out, or do the responsible thing: Homework. Of course, I did not choose the latter. Instead, I stayed in with friends.

I was scrolling through Instagram when something caught my eye – the name ‘Harry Styles’ flashed on my screen and I was immediately intrigued. “Harry Styles is 15 minutes away from us” was the caption on my friend’s picture. So many things went through my head. I had to see him. What would I wear? Where would he be? What would I say? I started meticulously planning my outfit, then decided I should probably see if this could really happen.

“The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Ceremony 2019 at the Barclays Center Brooklyn- with special guest Harry Styles”


A post shared by @harrystyles on Mar 20, 2018 at 3:22am PDT

What did I do next? The only logical thing, of course. I bought a ticket for this ceremony, and convinced my friend to come with me. I didn’t know what was to come but I knew I had to do it.

Sitting there from our nosebleed seats in my red fur coat and leopard print bodysuit, watching Harry Styles in his royal blue, metallic Gucci suit, singing on the enormous stage with Stevie Nicks by his side. I’ve never felt so close to someone, even though I was so completely out of reach. I spent so much time thinking about what I would do when I met him, but once I got there all thoughts left my mind. Seeing him, hearing him, even being in the same room as him was somehow enough. I appreciated the music, the experience, and the atmosphere that I was surrounded by that night. A simple school night turned into a night I saw history being made, something I never thought possible. A mundane day turned to an opportunity of a lifetime in the blink of an eye.

I wake up every morning with the same schedule, usually knowing I will end up in bed by a certain time. This Thursday, that routine was interrupted in the best way possible. I have learned the most spontaneous decisions can be the most fun and memorable experiences of all and to never underestimate a Thursday night.

My name is Joely Pasetsky and I am a Senior at the Fashion Institute of Technology. I currently live on campus in New York City and love living here. I am studying Fashion Business Management with a minor in Ethics and Sustainability. I love shopping, obviously, hanging out with friends, and experiencing New York City.