Inspired by YouTuber Sami Clarke’s Morning Routine, I took it upon myself to incorporate this easy yet effective method to journaling at the beginning of 2021. Journaling is an amazing way to bring you into the present moment.
I have been consciously trying my best to stay in the present moment and to be grateful for it. This journaling tactic is something I recommend to all of my loved ones, and it’s a great place to start if you’re not quite sure what to write in your journaling sessions. This method takes me about 3 minutes every day, and that is one of the main reasons it’s enabled me to stay consistent.
For each category, you will write 3 things:
I am grateful for: (ex. the coffee I had this morning)
My goals for the day: (ex. shower)
I want to feel: (ex. grateful)
Send love to: (ex. myself)
I am: (ex. beautiful)
These things can be as simple as you desire; life really is about cherishing the simple moments, as well as the big ones. This is a great way to help you to see that there’s always something to be grateful for, even when it feels like there may not be.