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Social Media, Mental Health, and Confidence with Ashley Corbo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

“Stepping out of your comfort zone is really scary,” shares Ashley Corbo, Connecticut based Lifestyle Content Creator and Podcast Host. Before Ashley started her podcast, Trying Not to Care, she took the risk of leaving her job in the education system to begin her dream career as an online creator. “It kind of hit me that it was never going to be easy, it was always going to be difficult to leave,” she explains. We’re continuing to witness how social media is creating unique career opportunities for so many people. Trying Not to Care focuses on mental health, advice, relationships, and self-love. In my interview with Ashley, she discusses how her mindset and attitude play a big role in where she is now.

“I realized how much I could grow over just a week,” Ashley tells me when discussing what motivated her to grow her platform. She saw the potential in her online presence and made the decision to commit to it full time. “It was kind of like a sink or swim situation. If I leave, I have to make it work. I’d either go back to the job I hate or work my hardest to make my dream job work,” she shares. However, this was not an overnight decision she made. Ashley contemplated leaving her previous job for about two years before deciding to become a content creator. “You graduate college and you’re supposed to just know what you want to do and have a big girl job. I just felt like I didn’t do that and staying at my job wasn’t doing anything for me.” This is definitely a universal experience among recent graduates and individuals about to enter the workforce. Once Ashley knew she wanted to dedicate herself to social media full time, she felt realistic worries like the pressure of possibly letting loved ones down and not having a steady income right away. The uncertainty that comes with making big changes can definitely feel intimidating at first, but may all just be worth it in the end.

When Ashley found her niche on the Internet, she realized how much her voice could make an impact. When referring to her podcast, she told herself, “If I’m going to do social media full time, I need to focus on one aspect and try to nurture it and grow it.” The key to Ashley’s social media success is her authenticity and openness about her mental health struggles. “Once I was open about my own experiences, that’s when other people related to it.” Ashley explains how her podcast allows her to take her inner thoughts further than her journal. By being transparent with her own experiences, she has built a community based around self-growth and understanding.

Ashley’s journey with confidence is a topic she focuses on in her podcast. I asked her what her advice is for anyone who wants to go into social media but may worry about how they are perceived by others. She tells me, “If people don’t like you, they’re going to find a way to find your content…if you want to do social media full time and make this your job, you have to be comfortable with the idea of everyone seeing it.” Being unapologetically yourself and staying true to who you are will always pay off in the end. Every content creator starts from somewhere and is probably not just blowing up overnight. The key is to put in consistent work and not compare your journey to someone else’s. 

“At the end of the day, it’s really just mindset and goal setting and believing in who you are,” says Ashley. Holding the belief that you will earn what you deserve and working towards specific goals will allow you to flourish into the best version of yourself. Changing your mindset along with taking action might feel uncomfortable at first, but it is truly an effective way to create change in your life. Ashley shares, “I feel like what’s meant for you really will find you as long as you’re being true to yourself and staying aligned with your path and what you want.”

On Trying Not to Care, Ashley also discusses the idea of feeling content with your own company. When I asked Ashley what some of her favorite activities to do by herself are, she mentions, “Having a morning routine for myself is so important. It really does set me up for the day and keep me in line.” Hobbies and habits such as making her own coffee, meditating, journaling, thrifting, and driving around are all things she finds enjoyment in. “I used to be afraid to thrift alone or go to a restaurant alone. I also am someone that has a lot of anxiety, especially social anxiety, so I enjoy my alone time so much because I don’t have to put on a front or feel like I’m being judged.” Learning how to be your own best friend is something that builds your confidence levels and can give you a sense of empowerment.

When opening up about her past, Ashley explains, “It wasn’t until two years ago that the reason I was so insecure was because I was listening to everyone else and not listening to myself…once I started really thinking about what I wanted and pursuing what I wanted, that’s when I started to be more confident. I think that people will always have things to say about you or judge you and try to get into your head regardless of how successful you are or how great of a person you are, so I just think blocking them out and really listening to your own voice instead of theirs will lead you into being the best version of yourself.” Ashley was able to take the lessons learned throughout her life and transform them into a platform that not only helps her, but others as well.

Where to listen to Trying Not to Care: https://ltx.bio/TNTC

Jacqueline is the Editor-in-Chief and Vice President of Her Campus at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC. She is graduating with a BS in Advertising and Marketing Communications and a minor in English. When she's not writing or reading, you can find her watching early 2000s rom-coms and listening to Taylor Swift.