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3 Gifts Being In A Sorority Has Given Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Sorority Recruitment just passed here at FIU, and for me it brought back all of my memories of when I went through recruitment just a year ago around this time. I was a very nervous incoming freshman, not knowing what to expect, and not knowing what was ahead of me. Little did I know how much I would grow just a year later, due to being a part of something that was way bigger than myself. So if you didn’t get a chance to rush this year or you are on the fence about it, consider these four unexpected gifts my sorority gave me!

1) Constantly pushing me outside of my comfort zone.

I really believe that recruitment week is kind of the set up for the rest of your experience in a sorority. At first it might be uncomfortable, a little intimidating, like all new activities are in life, but in the end you grow so much. Looking back at this past year I cannot help but smile when I remember how I was and see how I am now. Being in a sorority filled with women who inspire you really motivates you to be the best version of yourself, or to start your journey to find out who she is. The positions that I hold and the new attributes I attain, I would have never even imagined would be mine if it were not for sisters who pushed me to go out of my comfort zone. Sometimes the scariest mountains in life are the ones we are meant to conquer and the best part is, that your sisters are right there climbing with you.


2) As cliché as it sounds… my forever friends.


College is a time to find out who you are and I’ve noticed by being true to myself and joining organizations that I know I will enjoy, even if it means doing it by myself, I will attract the right people that are meant to be in my life. This isn’t the case for everyone, but for me, high school was more about fitting in and although I had a great group of friends, I may have shielded myself from other experiences in life because I wasn’t always true to myself. Finding an organization filled with women that hold the same values as I do, gave me an amazing group to be surrounded by.


3) Job opportunities


With having a connection to so many women obviously means that there are great networking connections! Just through recruitment alone I met an amazing woman who later helped me get one of my dream internships. Not only will the connections that you make be long-lasting, but also may be super beneficial for your career. You’ll never know who you will meet.


4) Memories of a lifetime


Like I said before, if it wasn’t for my sisters I would never have experienced half of the things I have this past year. It makes me so excited for the future. I hope that if you’re reading this you will truly consider going through recruitment because even just deciding to step out of your comfort zone and talking to strangers is so commendable and rewarding. That memory in itself is once in a lifetime.