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Campus Celebrity: Saidelis Mejia

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Meet this week’s campus celebrity, Saidelis Mejia! This ambitious collegiate is always busy with her many involvements around campus. Read more about Saidelis below!

Age: 22

Major: Advertising

Minor(s): Art and Marketing

Year: Senior

What are you involved in on campus?  

  • I am a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) at FIU and a proud sister of Alpha Xi Delta.

Why did you join a sorority? 

  • Originally, I joined because my friends were also going through recruitment. But when I met the girls that I now have the privilege of calling my sisters, I was so inspired by their motivation and dedication that I knew I wanted to be part of something that had women who truly realized their potential in every sense of the phrase.

What have you learned from joining AMA? 

  • I’ve gotten so much professional experience through the AMA. I’ve been part of it for two years now and I can honestly say we are a family. Professor Tim Birrittella is probably the best advisor in the history of advisors. If it weren’t for him, I would have never joined. I’ve learned not only how to carry myself in a professional environment, but I also learned how to work with a team that is so dedicated to the betterment of our chapter. We just won Gold chapter this year. Out of 350+ schools in the nation, we’re top four. That is such a great accomplishment and I wouldn’t want to end my time here before graduating any other way. 

What are your plans after graduation?

  • I’ve applied to many places, but my ultimate goal is to land a job in New York as an Art Director. It’s always been my dream and I know that that’s where I should start off my advertising career. I’m currently waiting to hear back!

What is your most memorable moment at FIU? 

  • I think that just being a part of the AMA and AXiD has been memorable enough. Besides the fact that I met one of my littles through the AMA, to top that off, she’s the person who is taking over my place as Creative Director when I graduate now in May. It’s like my two favorite things coming together. I know that she’s going to do big things, and I can’t wait to see her succeed. 

In a nutshell, Saidelis is…?

  • I’m just someone who is really passionate about my career. I know not everything should revolve around that so I definitely enjoy hanging out with my sisters, family and friends. If there’s one thing I always do, it’s to make sure to make time for those in my life that mean a lot to me, no matter how busy I am; and everyone who knows me knows I’m always busy! 
Ashley is a junior at Florida International University majoring in Journalism and minoring in Social Media & E-Marketing Analytics. Born and raised in Miami to Trinidadian parents, Ashley comes from a diverse background that cultivated her love for cultural diversity. She loves blogging, entertainment, music and travelling. Ashley aspires to become the editor-in-chief of her own online publication in the future. Check out Ashley's entertainment and lifestyle blog at www.callmemissandrews.com ! Follow her on twitter: @callmemsandrews and on Instagram: @callmemissandrews