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Creatable World: A New Line of Gender Neutral Dolls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Mattel launched a new line of gender-inclusive dolls this past week. The line of dolls is under the name of ‘Creatable World’ and features six doll kits with different customizable hairstyles and style options. In a press release, Mattel described the line as meant to “keep labels out and invite everyone in”. Here’s a look at some of the dolls: 

Credit: Mattel

The dolls are childlike and feature none of the ‘typical’ doll attributes like Barbie’s tiny waist or Ken’s chiseled abs. They are meant to be as label free and inclusive as possible. The kit can be bought for $29.95. 

Credit: Mattel

Much research went into the production of these dolls. Mattel worked with over 250 children to fully understand what kids really want in a doll. 15 of these children were gender neutral. Mattel also took into consideration of what parents were wanting to see in toys for their children.

The release of these dolls is truely revolutionary for the many children out there who may feel that there is not a doll out there that looks like them. While this topic remains a  controversial one, senior vice president of Mattel Fashion Doll Design, Kim Culmone, says that they are “hopeful Creatable World will encourage people to think more broadly about how all kids can benefit from “doll play”.