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Fast Fashion vs. Climate Change

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

The run down on fast fashion: it is an unsustainable way of mass producing trendy clothing for cheap every time a new trend begins. Buyers are often drawn to fast fashion because it is affordable, all while following the latest trends. Many popular stores practice this method including Forever 21, Zara, H&M, etc. Companies are so caught up with keeping up with the latest trends  because, well to be quite frank, this is what keeps them in business. 

So what makes fast fashion unsustainable? Fast fashion contributes significantly to greenhouse emissions. The textiles used to create the clothing is often unsustainable as well. Fast fashion companies make their clothing for dirt cheap and then sell it to consumers for cheap. It’s a continuous pattern that sadly keeps them in business. 

Some fast fashion companies, such as Zara and H&M, are beginning to adopt some new environmentally friendly concepts. However, they are still considered fast fashion brands. These new changes might be due to the fact that now more than ever people are taking a stand against climate change and demanding change. The hopes are that eventually all big fashion companies will follow their footsteps and adopt environmentally friendly concepts as well. 

There has been a huge shift in the buying behaviors of consumers, with many now choosing to support environmentally brands over brands that are not planet friendly. We can see this change with the recent bankruptcy of Forever 21, a once multi billion dollar company that sold fast fashion items. With the rise of advocacy against climate change, it’s no wonder so many people now pay attention to brands ethics.


Check out this link to see a list of environmentally friendly clothing brands: https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/fair-trade-clothing