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The Future is: Ultraviolet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

    In a time plagued by constant allegations of sexual misconduct, lack of trust in government, fake bullying videos, burning red forest fires and almost daily protests, one would think that the color of the year for 2018, when asked, would be… say, blood red, atomic-bomb purple, or fake-tan orange.

    The self-proclaimed (but also proclaimed by everyone else) color authorities at Pantone have chosen a color that is surprisingly different though: ultraviolet purple.

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The executive director of Pantone Color Institute, Leatrice Eiseman, defended the color choice, saying it “communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking.” The color is that which is found deep in outer space, the wellness movement and IS currently on every high-fashion runway there is.

Ms. Eiseman said the color was a favorite of renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who wore a purple cape at times he needed to be creative. Oh and of course, Prince, who has been characterized by his favorite color and hit song and movie Purple Rain.

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In previous years, the company’s color choices have been more reflective of the times the nation, and world, is facing. In 2015 for example, the two colors rose quartz and serenity, a pink a blue, reflected the increasing gender-fluidity of the world. In 2017, they opted for a green tone, a representation of new beginnings with a new president. This year, however, the Eiseman explained that the company “wanted to pick something that brings hope and an uplifting message.”

There you have it, the most unexpected color. One mystery, political uncertainty, power and luxury, or maybe even hazard. We can only wait to see what ultraviolet and 2018 will bring to the world.


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