We’ve all been there—knowing something is wrong but not exactly what that something is. Classes are beginning to become more difficult and your workload is constantly piling up.
Here are five ways to get out of your funk!
- Check your physical health
Sometimes our physical health affects our mood. Have your eating and sleeping habits been subpar lately? As college students, we tend to sacrifice healthy meals and important hours of sleep for partying, take-out food, or your occasional all-night study sessions. Make sure to maintain a consistent exercise regimen and healthy diet.
- Set time out for reflection and/or meditation
Young adults love to ignore their problems and make them smaller than they really are. It is vital to properly address and confront yourself (and maybe others) about your issues. Not all issues will be psychological/emotional instability but some may be. Checking your mental health will help get you out of your funk and clear your mind of hindering thoughts.
- Write everything down
Keeping a journal or diary may seem a bit “middle-school” but writing things down is a great way to express yourself. The act of physically recording your thoughts down on paper relieves stress. It is also great when you see the progress of your thoughts and attitude from previous journal entries.
- Pick up a hobby
Whether it be shopping, sports, or painting, finding an enjoyable activity distracts your mind from the things that have caused you to get in the funk in the first place. A hobby highlights the good talents within you and dims the light on all the problems you are currently facing. Hobbies are also great to learn about yourself and maybe acquire a new talent or skill.
- Stay positive!
No one likes a Debbie Downer. In life, we all love to blame others and outside situations for our bad moods. This should not be the case. YOU are in control of YOUR happiness. Don’t let bumps in the road stop you from continuing your journey. Keep pushing and keep fighting! When you think positive thoughts, positive things start happening. Pick yourself up and get going!