This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.
Going home for the holidays is like chewing a piece of Dubble Bubble, It loses its flavor quickly. Whether you’re insanely bored or arguing with your parents, most students can’t deny that towards the end of the break, they’re counting down the days until school starts back up. Since most of us will probably spend our days glued to our television and/or laptop screens, here are some gifs from popular TV shows that accurately describe an average student’s winter break.
1. Reuniting with your family is always a joyous occasion. Even if they do tend to squeeze all the air out of your body with just one hug.
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2. After four months of eating cafeteria food and takeout, it’s almost like your taste buds have been dulled. When you eat that very first home-cooked meal your mom makes you, it’s like the very first meal there ever was.
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3. Best part of the break: no school, no work, and if you have the house to yourself, no pants necessary.
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4. At some point during your stay, one or both of your parents will probably make what they think is a subtle hint that you should go out for a run or visit the gym.
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5. When you don’t have a class to go to or a shift to work, the days all seem to blend together until you can’t tell them apart anymore.
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