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A Guide to the 2014 Superbowl Commercials

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

So as you all know this past Sunday it was one of the most important days to men and sports all over the country and second most important sporting event. No matter what team you’re rooting for watching the big game is a must. This is especially important for those of you with a boyfriend or that guy you really like and want to move forward with. During this day you can both be part of the spectacle and help cook a certain dish or help set up the area where they will be watching the game. Then there is the opposite route and let them have the day with their boys because let’s face it, your team isn’t playing so there’s no point in watching anyway. There is only one problem with this and that is the fact that you will be missing the most important parts of the Superb Bowl which are the advertisements. This is the day when all the Don Drapers of the country gather around and fill our minds and provoke thoughts about beer and chips, as if we really need another excuse to buy beer.

For the most part, the commercials were entertaining in all types of ways whether it was in a comedic sense-which is of course the best seller and still instills an image of the company presented into your thoughts- or the more touching and socially aware commercials, which help send a message of peace across. This leads me to the first commercial which is by Axe and its entitled “Make Love Not War”. The commercial concentrates on the fact that war isn’t the answer or the main motive for most leaders of the world and how taking the opposite route of war can lead to better things like stronger bonds with people you truly care about. Axe’s new campaign is called AxePeace which is a drastic change from their usual sexual innuendo line up of commercials.


Speaking of sensual content, who can forget the blast from the past for Oikos who brought back Danny, Joey and of course Jessie. No matter how good looking that man is he still has competition from an international icon as well. H&M brought back David Beckham and his line of underwear which consisted of David getting locked out of his own photo-shoot and then having to find his way back into the room where he ends up being fully naked on his way back. This ad is appealing to the audience but it uses the same mundane plot as most underwear ads.


Another great and heartwarming commercial was by Budweiser entitled “Hero’s Welcome” which is a friendly reminder to all of us at home that there are still people out there fighting for our country and on their return home they deserve to be received with open arms and celebrated for their dedication to our country. Speaking of American, how much more American can you get than Heinz Ketchup and their “Where There’s Happy, There’s Heinz” commercial? This commercial was simple and straight to the point using the hum of “if you’re happy and you know it..” making it sound as appealing to all ages as possible. This leads to a cast that we all know and love, the Muppets in their Toyota commercial which costarred Terry Crews who never seems to fail with his over the top dancing and overly expressive tones about dancing vegetables and chickens.

There are far more ads that stood out as well such as Tim Tebow and all the things he can do without a contract which a good way to market a mobile phone company but not so well for an NFL quarterback with no job. We’ll let that one sink in. Then there is Hyundai’s “Dad’s Sixth Sense” which is completely relatable to the audience about experiences with their dad and the moments they have shared as well through humor and super dad reflexes. Out of all the commercials there was one that stood out the most because of how true it was and how the company was able to make fun of itself and still recover from its slump. This company is Radio Shack which received a call from the 80’s and everything that came with that era which included some pretty notable figures.

I will let you watch it for yourself so you can see if you can recognize them all and trust me it will take a few times to get them all. Hope you all enjoyed Super Bowl XLVIII and the half time show with Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers! Which ad was your favorite and why? As always Go Panthers!

A kid raised in Brooklyn, New York home of fashion, art and great culture. The greatest thing to happen to me was living in the city in a sense it was a love/hate relationship because of the area in which I grew up in. Then there was Manhattan filled with all the lights and glamour and things that were on the big screen. Once I moved to Florida it was in a small town called Bradenton which was a huge culture shock because it was the total opposite from what I was used to in every sense ranging from transportation to people. Then there was the care free atmosphere in which shirts and shoes are optional and thong sandals are an every day thing opposed to the city where that is a rare find. Living in Bradenton gave me a different outlook on things and humbled me in a sense. Then moving to Miami for school brought me back to my city roots except with a different view on things and my motivation now is to gain success and not material things as I once dreamed of attaining.