Whether there’s an exam coming up, bills that need to be paid, or there’s a leak in the sink that hasn’t gotten fixed, there’s always some type of situation that causes people stress. However, if stress is not tackled head on and is left to accumulate over time, it can have detrimental effects on the body’s wellbeing. Like everything in life, there are ways to deal with stress no matter how overwhelming it may be.
1. Give yourself a break if you start to feel stressed.
Stress happens to everyone, it usually starts with thoughts, for example: “I have three exams, two papers, and I have the closing shift three nights in a row this week”. When these obsessive thoughts start to form, try and take a step back from everything and go on social media or Netflix. Sometimes taking a step back from reality for an hour can help not only stress, but prevent any incoming panic attack.
2. Exercise!
Exercise is usually not for everybody, and some people may not even have time to go to the gym due to their schedule. However, a simple 30-minute workout at home can help take a load off when it comes to stress. Whether it’s a workout that was found on Pinterest, or walking around the block for 45-minutes, anything can help relieve some stress.
3. Talk to someone.
If exercise and taking a break seem impossible with a tight schedule, find someone to speak to. This can range from a family member to a therapist, sometimes venting to someone about everything can help with taking some pressure off.
4. Learn to say “no”.
This is a problem that many people seem to have, when presented with an opportunity, whether major or miniscule, the answer is always “yes”. By the time these people realize they’ve taken on too many things at the same time it’s too late. Usually when this realization is made it causes this feeling of impending doom and it causes a lot of people to just shut down. Starting to say “no” to certain opportunity may seem like a foreign concept to certain people, but it’s essential to avoid too much stress.
5. Sleep.
Most people who are stressed are usually those who don’t sleep enough. A human being should be getting eight hours of sleep every night but busy humans usually get about four to five hours if they’re lucky. For those who don’t get enough sleep, try going to sleep and waking up earlier. This method helps with completing everything that must be done in the day while also meeting the requirement of sleep the body needs.
Stress is a serious matter and can lead to certain diseases, hopefully these tips can help a lot of people led a more “stress-free” life.