You’ve been in bed all month, all week, or all day with no energy, no motivation, or plans. Which means you’re probably in a “funk”. I’ve been there too; and while this is probably in the top 5 worst feelings of all time, here are the top five ways I’ve gotten out of it.
The first step is to conquer the hardest task of all time which is to get out of bed. The key is to quite literally jump out of bed. Don’t slither around, or spend an extra five minutes, scrolling on your phone; jump. Do it all in one go when your alarm rings. I’ve fallen victim to the snooze button way too many times, and although it’s tempting, DON’T DO IT. Once you’re up look around your room and assess the severity of the mess you have going on. Start by changing your sheets and making your bed. Once you’re up, you’ll be ready to take on the world… right after you complete the next four steps.
The hack to cleaning your room as fast as you can is to record yourself in a time-lapse. This is my favorite because you don’t have your phone on you to distract you, and you’ll end up with a silly video to laugh at after. I like to do this when I actually have storage on my phone, which is never, but hopefully, you won’t have 35,000 images on your phone like I do. So, set your phone down and face the pile of laundry falling off the corner of your bed that’s been begging to be put away for the past week. Grant its wish and get to folding. The time-lapse will encourage you to move fast.
If you’re not familiar with the everything shower, this is the ultimate self-care shower that can take anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour. You’ll be exfoliating, scrubbing, double shampooing, hair masking, conditioning, shaving — the possibilities are endless. The goal of this shower is to feel pampered and revitalized. Post-shower, make sure to moisturize your face and body.
Make plans with your friends. After being home for such a long amount of time, you’ll want to do something fun. Your friends will always make you realize how exciting life can be. Try and rate a new restaurant, have a themed night, go to the movie theatre, or do anything else that will get you out of the house with a friend. Even if it means going to the same place you always go, in my case, getting frozen yogurt.
Falling into a funk is easy, getting out of it is a bit harder, but never impossible. Set your goals for each week at the beginning of the week. Keep yourself busy and plan out your responsibilities and outings to have a balanced lifestyle. As long as you stay organized and prioritize yourself, you’ll find that everything else will fall into place.