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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

As the end of the semester approaches and one gets so close to graduation they can almost taste it, the wandering thoughts of how in the world they are going to come about their first actual job start to slowly cross your mind more often. Although these thoughts can be terrifying and are definitely a cry for action, the power of the internet can actually come to the rescue. One of the most common ways employers are finding the right candidates for their openings now in days is simply by using job search engineered websites. These websites are generally very easy to use and are becoming the direct source of many big companies hiring process. Some of the best websites which can be used are:


  1. LinkedIn: You have probably heard time and time again how important it is to have your LinkedIn profile updated and with as many professional details as possible. This is constantly advised for a very good reason! Looking for jobs through LinkedIn is not only simple and quick with their Easy Apply option, but the site also shows you how well you match with what the company is looking for in the position so you know your chances pretty well of getting a callback.

  2. CareerBuilder: With an extensive filtering option, CareerBuilder makes it easy to specify the field, location, pay range, even entry position for the job options you would like to see. If you are currently job hunting, CareerBuilder even goes the extra mile of giving you the option to upload a public resume where employers searching to fill positions can view it and contact you.

  3. Glassdoor: Looking for a job does not only consist of searching for openings and reading about the position that is available, but also of doing your research on the company. Before applying to a position, many of us would like to know what this job would be like and Glassdoor gives you that feedback you look for. Glassdoor provides you with the average payments for position and how previous and sometimes current employees have felt about the company.

  4.  Handshake: Handshake is a career management platform that customizes to your specific career. This platform not only changes based on your needs but also pushes information which would be considered more timely relevant forward. To make things even easier, Handshake has partnered with FIU’s very own Career and Talent Development which you can visit their office in SASC 305 for assistance in developing a successful profile.

Source: 10 Best Job Search WebsitesÂ