To my beautiful sisters,
Coming into a sorority I didn’t know what to except when joining a sisterhood. I heard the stories; bid day comes, you celebrate all your new sisters, you go to philanthropy events, you meet new people, etc. The truth is I really didn’t know what I’d be in for when I joined, it was a leap of faith and I took the plunge. Yes, I’d get a whole bunch of friends and I’d get to help my community, but what I got was so much more.
Initiation came around; we celebrated being initiated into our bond, and what a great day that was, being surrounded by the girls I get to share that special bod with was beyond compare. As time went on we got closer and closer and closer. We’ve shared secrets, exchanged hopes and dreams, helped one another in our endeavor. I got more than what I expected to ever receive; I got love.
The love of my sisters is a love like no other. It’s a group of girls knowing you better than you know yourself sometimes, and loving you anyways. It’s the warm embracing hugs at your first chapter of the semester. It’s the “I miss you” texts in those moments you didn’t even know you were being missed. We cry, we laugh, we love, and we became a part of that bond we’d heard so much about. Then, we became the bond. We made it our own and held it close to our hearts and continue to share it, it was at that moment I realized that it wasn’t just four years, it was for life.
I stand today a proud sorority woman, not for the amount of mixers I attended, not for the “experience”, but for the love my letters gave to me. I looked at letters as symbolic, yes they represent your organization and what you stand for, but what those letters gave me was the type of love I never knew I needed. I found something bigger than myself, and my sisters contributed to that in more ways than one.
As the saying goes, Friends Change…Lovers Leave… But Sisters are Eternal.
Thank you to the sisterhood that gave me something I never knew I needed but couldn’t live without.
Love forever and always,
Your Sister