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LOUD and Proud: How Drew Afualo is Redefining Confidence for a New Generation

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Drew Afualo’s brand new book LOUD: Accept Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve, isn’t just a book— it’s a fearless, unapologetic manifesto wrapped in a memoir. With a voice that’s equal parts ferocity and wit, Afualo brings her trademark humor and razor-sharp clap-backs from TikTok to the page, offering women everywhere more than just a story; it’s a call to arms for anyone tired of shrinking themselves to fit into the narrow molds society insists upon.

While LOUD certainly recounts Afualo’s own experiences, it’s about so much more than her personal journey. Through personal anecdotes and pointed insights, Afualo taps into the collective frustration that so many women feel but often stifle for the sake of being “polite” or “acceptable.” In true Afualo style, she throws out those expectations like last season’s fashion faux pas, urging readers to stop being “nice” and start being heard. In other words, Afualo creates a blueprint for women to reclaim space unapologetically.

The book also taps into the nuances of being a woman in today’s world. Afualo’s experiences resonate deeply because they’re not singular; they reflect the experiences of millions of women who have been told to sit down, be quiet, and not make waves. But Afualo’s not about that life, and neither should we be. LOUD champions confidence as an act of rebellion—a necessary one at that. It’s a manifesto on embracing every part of yourself, even the messy, complicated parts that society tells you to hide.

One of the standout elements is how Afualo navigates body image. In an age where influencers often peddle perfection, Afualo flips the script. She doesn’t just demand body positivity- she advocates for radical self-acceptance, rejecting the pressure to conform to arbitrary standards. It’s not about being ‘beautiful despite your flaws’ but being whole– flaws and all- and celebrating it.

Afualo also hits hard on the subject of boundaries, another area where women are constantly tested. From relationships to career choices, she teaches that standing up for yourself, saying no, and rejecting the bare minimum are all acts of self-love. LOUD isn’t just motivational; it’s permission to demand more in every aspect of life, from how we’re treated to what we deserve.

If you’re expecting a gentle, feel-good self-help book, LOUD will surprise you. It’s a fast-paced, in-your-face read with zero apologies. Afualo’s wit comes across like a conversation with your fiercest, most honest friend- the one who won’t let you settle for less. She doesn’t just tell her story—she invites us to step into our own power, to be as loud and as bold as we need to be to create the life we deserve.

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Adebusola Abujade / Her Campus Media
Ariana (she/her) is a Puerto Rican majoring in psychology with a minor in English. She is currently the social media director of Her Campus at Florida International University. Hoping to gain more experience throughout her college career, Ariana is an ambitious writer who is ready to take on whatever lies ahead!