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“No One Is You And That Is Your Power”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

I used to swear by the words “fake it ’till you make it.” Maybe if I act confident, I’ll actually be confident someday. That theory quickly went out the window once it passed several years and to my surprise: no improvement. 

Confidence doesn’t come easy… And if you’re looking for a 24-hour quick fix to self love, you’ve come to the wrong place. 

It’s a long journey of self-doubt accompanied by some tough lows. Maybe some days you’ll give up, and have to start right back at square one. But wait.. I haven’t even told you the best part? It never ends. There’s never a “Collect $200, you just passed GO” moment. Never hoorays’ of celebrations and yells of “I’m healed!” But even through all that, I promise it’s worth it. 


Practicing self love means accepting who you are, flaws and all. It means owning a room the moment you step foot inside. It means a sense of relief because you no longer have to work for someone else’s approval. The most important thing you could do for your own health and sanity is live your life for yourself.

I could tell you the number on the scale doesn’t matter. I could tell you to stop wearing make-up and promise you’ll instantly feel prettier. I could emphasize how outward beauty shouldn’t affect us because it’s what on the inside that counts. I could tell you all that… but I’d be lying. I do care about how my body looks in a bikini. I do hide away my acne scars with layers of foundation and powder. I have moments of weakness and insecurities, just like everyone else. 

You are human and you won’t always feel okay. But accept that your beauty isn’t defined by who considers you “hot” or “sexy” or measured by your Instagram likes. 


Stop taking the easy way out and pointing out what you don’t like about yourself. Challenge yourself and try embracing what you do like. Make an inspiring quote your background. Surround yourself with people who lift you. And most importantly: practice positive thoughts. 

Don’t whine about what you can’t change because I promise, nobody cares to hear it. You are unique. You are beautiful. You are worth it. 

And just because I thought this piece wasn’t filled with enough corniness, always remember… 

No one is you and that is your power. 

Cover photo: here