Love Drama? Elite is definitely the show for you. The series follows a group of working-class teens who have been enrolled in an exclusive private school in Spain. Their clashes with the wealth, upper-class students leads to a murder that no one expected. The show is in its third season and it is certainly worth watching. It features actors like Danna Paola, Maria Pedraza, and Miguel Herran.
- Good Fellas
This is an oldie but definitely a goodie. Based on a true story, Good Fellas follows a young man as he grows up and tries to make his way up through the ranks of the mob. Enjoying a life of wealth and luxury, the main character Henry Hill is insensible to the damage he is causing. Drug addiction and a few mistakes ultimately lead to his downfall. If you are into Italian mob movies and haven’t seen this film, I would definitely recommend that you give it a chance. The film stars actors like Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, and Ray Liotta.Â
- On My Block
Comedy, Drama, and Romance are all a part of this show! Now on its third season, On My Block follows Cesar, Monse, Ruby, and Jamal as they try to figure out highschool while living in a rough, inner-city Los Angeles neighborhood. Their friendship is challenged as they are put in difficult situations. This show definitely brought me tons of tears and laughs, I’d watch it if I were you.
- Outbreak
These are definitely scary times and this film makes everything feel even more real. Outbreak follows a group of Army doctors who try to contain a deadly virus that is spreading through a small town before the military takes an alternative route that goes to the extreme. This is a film worth watching and one you’d enjoy, especially since we are dealing with something less extreme but very similar.
- Love is Blind
If your guilty pleasure is reality TV, you should absolutely watch Love is Blind. The show takes a spin on your average romance tv competitions and puts single people up to the test. The singles on the show look for love and get engaged all before meeting in person. The show is hosted by Nick Lachey and his wife Vanessa Lachey.
At the end of the day, the most important thing for us to do is stay safe and in our homes. What better way to kill the blues than with a new show obsession right?Â