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Spring Break Is Over: How I Finish The Semester Strong

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

               It is already April, and you know what that means-the last month of the spring semester! Summer break is just a month away, and whether you plan to work, take summer classes, or take a well-deserved break, make sure to finish this semester strong!

  1. Planning Ahead
    • Plan every day for the rest of the semester. Mark up a big calendar on your wall or a handheld daily planner. You are about to have summer off! Plan every day so you can make the most of your last month.
  2. Find a Summer Job or Internship
    1. Internships are great resume builders and provide you with valuable work experience that employers will look for once you graduate. Students | Handshake (joinhandshake.com) and Internships – Internship Search and Intern Jobs | Chegg Internships are great resources.
    1. If you want to save up money loads of money for the next school year so you can focus on your studies, Job Search | Indeed has loads of seasonal jobs for college students.
  3. Plan Post-Graduation
    1. Whether you are moving on to grad school or entering the job market, it is never too early to start preparing. Study for the LSAT if you plan on going to law school or the MCAT for medical school. The GRE is required for some graduate programs as well. Start studying!
    1. Check Students | Handshake (joinhandshake.com) and LinkedIn: Log In or Sign Up to get a feel for jobs out there!