As confident as we can be, we all have our moments of awkwardness. While some situations require a certain finesse when handling these issues, other situations not even experts in etiquete can handle and leave most (if not all) of us with that cringe worthy feeling and an awful replay to boot. Fortunately, the social awkwardness factor is only a miniscule part of life and it happens to everyone. From us Collegiates to celeb’s. Like that universal remote control that works on the TV, DVD and Blue-ray player, some situations happen to even the coolest cucumber. The best thing to do is to just laugh it off and laugh it off- difficult as it may seem. While these types of situations happen to all of us, it’s how you recover and move on that makes the difference and sets you apart from the pack. On the other hand, there are a multitude of other awkward situations which do have an answer according to rules of etiquette. Below are some of the most commonly encountered.
1. The Unknown Acquaintance
What do you do when you run into someone you kind of, sort of know, but not really? In that “I saw you all four years of high school and we cross paths a couple of times on campus” sort of way. Well, I can assure it’s much much worse when you encounter this person at a foreign place…like the grocery store. Or the mall. Or just elsewhere. Now, there’s some unspoken moral obligation to introduce yourself or at least say “Hey, you’re that drama kid from my high school right?” smile and walk away.
2. Buffer Alert!
We all have friends who tilt more to the side of acquaintances than any overly friendly feelings. You always seem to hang out in groups and that’s much better than the time your friends left you alone with the gal. Today seems like that day. Be it because you run into each other at a party or at the library, some strange sense of obligations keeps you tied for the event. And it’s just…strange. I have one thing to say to you Collegiates: Grin and bear it- unless there’s an emergency calling you *wink,wink*
3. Tunnel of Friends
You’re hanging out with a guy. He’s fun, handsome, great company and you like him. But not like that. Eventually, he goes for the kill, leaning in for a kiss or something equally as awkward- since that boy will be friend zoned. Humor yourself through the situation. Make a joke (even if it is a bad one) and he’ll probably grab that lifeline gasping. If he doesn’t take kindly to being confined to the friend-zone of your heart, well maybe you’re better off without him. After all, nobody likes a sore loser.
4. Check, Please!
There is hardly ever a moment more awkward than when the bill arrives on a first date. You quickly draw up a sum of the damage and wonder if you should offer or let the silence stretch while he handles it, offer a smile and a thank you. In my opinion, (and after consulting several male acquaintances) it’s boy’s check all the way. But on consequent dates- well the plastic won’t wear out with a little use from time to time!
5. The Ex
Fantasies of me running into an old flame often involve me looking successful, generally well put together and surprisingly graceful. While they are remorseful and suffering from premature baldness (too harsh?) they are in general awe of my overall presence. But often, what results is far from that. To ignore appears childish and shows you still hold feelings for them. Yet an overly happy greeting looks fake and pretentious. The best route to go is to flash a quick smile and wave. Maybe even a friendly hug may work well.