‘Friends’ is the type of show almost everybody has heard of or watched at least once in their life. Whether you grew up watching the show, came across the show on Netflix, or you’re like me and have watched all ten seasons at least seven times, ‘Friends’ is the show you can watch while you’re sad, happy, or when you’re just trying to avoid studying for an exam. As a fan of the show myself, I’d say that I’ve become an expert on the show and soon will be able to recite the lines by memory. With that being said, I’ve comprised a list of episodes to watch depending on your mood. This list covers moods from being “kick you in the crotch, spit down your neck” fantastic all the way to “when you get taken advantage of all the time you have to switch to low-fat (ice cream)” moments.
What episodes to watch when you want to let a good cry out:
Whether you just got dumped or you’ve had a day where nothing seems to go right, crying seems to be the only thing to make you feel better. In these cases, the best remedy is usually to curl up in bed with a pint of ice cream and watch some sad movies. But why waste 1-2 hours crying when you can spend 20-30 minutes and possibly end up feeling better after watching one episode. If this seems like a better alternative. Here are some episodes that will help you ugly cry and hopefully make that frown turn upside down.
- 3.16 “The One the Morning After”
- 4.12 “The One with the Embryos”
- 5.03 “The One with the Triplets”
- 6.24 and 6.25 “The One with the Proposal, Part 1 and 2”
- 9.21 “The One with the Fertility Test”
- 10.08 “The One with the Late Thanksgiving”
- 10.17 and 10.18 “The Last One, Part 1 and 2”
What episodes to watch when you’re in the mood to laugh:
Whether you’re in a bad mood because somebody cut you off in traffic or need a good laugh after a difficult day, humor is sure to help take your mind off the world around you. The list below consists of some episodes that can help you achieve a better mood.
- 1.13 “The One with the Boobies”
- 2.23 “The One with the Chicken Pox”
- 3.08 “The One with the Giant Poking Device”
- 4.20 “The One with All the Wedding Dresses”
- 5.14 “The One Where Everybody Finds Out”
- 6.08 “The One with Ross’s Teeth”
- 6.17 “The One With Unagi”
- 7.06 “The One with the Nap Partners”
- 8.15 “The One with the Birthing Video”
- 9.07 “The One with Ross’s Inappropriate Song”
- 10.03 “The One with Ross’s Tan”
What episodes to watch when you’re happy:
When you’re feeling happy the last thing you want to watch is something that will bring your mood down, these episodes will not only make you laugh, but also keep your mood up.
- 1.10 “The One with the Monkey”
- 2.11 “The One with the Lesbian Wedding”
- 3.09 “The One with the Football”
- 5.13 “The One with Joey’s Bag”
- 6.07 “The One Where Phoebe Runs”
- 7.07 “The One with Ross’s Library Book”
- 8.06 “The One with the Halloween Party”
- 9.04 “The One with the Sharks”
- 10.04 “The One with the Cake”
What episodes to watch when you’re feeling romantic:
These episodes are great to watch either when you’re with your significant other and feeling romantic or when you want to sit at home and be reminded what real love looks like.
-  2.07 “The One Where Ross Finds Out”
-  2.14 “The One with the Prom Video”
-  2.15 “The One Where Ross and Rachel…You Know”
-  3.13 “The One Where Monica And Richard Are Just Friends”
-  6.25 “The One with the Proposal, Part 2”
-  9.19 “The One with Rachel’s Dream”
-  10.12 “The One with Phoebe’s Wedding”
-  10.18 “The Last One, Part 2”
Hopefully my expertise and borderline obsession with ‘Friends’ will help you throughout your moods no matter what you’re going through in your life!