As finals approach, many of you will start to come to the realization that your life is in complete shambles. Here are the Real Housewives of Bravo to tell you that you are correct! Take a break from watching funny animal videos on Youtube and read this article. I promise it will distract you from your own real-life problems, even if it’s only for five minutes.
The Weekend Before Finals Start:
When you realize that you’re done with classes… Time to celebrate!
The Night before your Final:
You show up at club lib and you can’t find a seat:
Then when you finally find one you realize it is the only desk that doesn’t get wifi connection:
When your friend comes through with the study guide… #Teamwork.
When you attempt to read all of the books assigned from the entire semester:
When it comes to that part in the night where you start to question your existence:
Calling your parents and telling them that you just can’t do it sounds a lot like “Sorry I wasted your money, but”
When you finally decide to call it a night:
The Morning of the Final:
Hitting snooze even though you told yourself you were going to wake up early and study:
Giving yourself a peptalk in the shower convincing yourself that you can do it:
When you dress up to overcompensate the ugliness you feel on the inside:
When you take those extra twenty minutes to eat, instead of study because you remember that one time your mom told you in the third grade before a standardized test that brain food is important!
During the Final:
Being surrounded by people talking about how much they studied and how prepared they are:
When your teacher hands you the test and you say a quick prayer in memory of your grade:
Then the annoying girl in front of you keeps asking the professor questions:
When you’re midway through the test and realize that the test got you SO good:
Then the professor tells you that you have 5 minutes left to complete the test and you haven’t started the essay portion yet:
When you hand in the final:
After the Final:
When you celebrate because finals are over:
Then your grades show up, uninvited, in the mail over winter break:
With that, best of luck on finals to all you Rams!
[Author’s Note: If you couldn’t tell, I wrote this article in substitution for studying for a final #Blessed ]
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