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Fordham Fights for a Cure

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

“You can create a world with less cancer and more birthdays”
That’s the American Cancer Society’s goal in its annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. Through the years, Fordham has done its part to help make that goal a reality. According to committee co-chair Cara Flynn, the group raised over $18,000 for breast cancer research in preparation for last year’s walk alone. 

This year, the group of about forty-five students aims to top its past accomplishments. “Our goal is to raise $20,000,” explained co-chair Sarah Kalwarski, “we definitely upped it this year.”

But asking for money from the generous but already cash-strapped student body can be a difficult task. That’s why the club tries to make its fundraisers worthwhile for anyone who donates. Through September and October, the group holds bakes sales at Walsh gate on weekend nights, football games, and Senior Nights. One of the most popular events is the Concert for a Cure, which will take place on Tuesday, October 11th at 8 pm in the Ramskellar. The show will feature many of Fordham’s performing groups like Fordham Flava and the Satin Dolls. “It’s always a great turnout, with a lot of different groups and performances,” Flynn said.

But for the girls on the committee, raising money for the cause is only one part of the experience. They meet weekly to put decorations up around campus, listen to the stories of breast cancer survivors, and share stories of their own about loved ones who have been affected by the disease.

What makes all the hard work worthwhile is the walk itself. “You wake up at 6 a.m., it’s still dark, but then you get to the caf and see everyone in pink and get pumped,” Sarah said. After a pre-walk breakfast and bit of pink hairspray, the sleepy group begins their trek to Central Park via the D train. “You get off the subway into a sea of pink,” Cara explained. “It’s really cool to see all the survivors walking together. There are even cheerleaders from area schools performing and cheering on the walkers.” Committee co-chair Chrissy Kozera added that “People come out and support each other – I’m getting all dressed up this year, going all out!”

You can check out the team’s homepage and make a donation at Making Strides, or you can come out to walk with them in Central Park on Sunday, October 16th. Anyone’s support is welcome because, as Sarah says, “It’s a good cause to unite around. We’ve all had family members or friends who’ve been affected. There’s always some connection.” 

Claire Cumberland is a sophomore at Fordham University in the Bronx. A communications major, she doesn’t have a singular idea about what she wants to do with her life, but hopes to dabble in many different things before stumbling upon her dream job. She enjoys reading, writing, walking her dog Scout, going to thrift stores, watching television, painting her nails, getting internships, online shopping, and color coding things. Claire has interned at Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, a charity for childhood cancer established in her hometown of Philadelphia, PA. She also interned at Sesame Workshop as a production intern for The Electric Company, a popular show on PBS. Claire is currently involved in Global Outreach at Fordham University and is an anchor for Fordham Nightly News.