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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Whether you’re going away for Spring Break or just relaxing at home, there’s so much you can do with your free time. Here’s some ways that you can relax and feel productive during the break:

1. Catch up on sleep This is the first long break since the semester has started, so it’s important to use this time to catch up on sleep. You deserve to get some rest after losing sleep over various assignments, papers, etc. (Losing an hour because of Daylight Savings definitely didn’t help either!)

2. Wake up early

This may seem to contradict my last point, but you might want to consider waking up early some days. Waking up early means that you can pack so much into your day. I know when I do, I feel like I get so much done and I don’t feel like I’m wasting the day away. If you go to bed at a reasonable hour, you can get enough sleep and wake up early the next day feeling refreshed!

3. Make new playlists Music has the ability to make you feel happy, inspired, and relaxed, so why not make playlists for all of these moods? Spend some time making new playlists to get you excited for the warmer weather, too!

4. Spend time with friends and family

Even if you might not have break the same time as your friends from home, you can always Ffacetime or call them! Also now you have a chance to spend quality time with your family, so don’t waste it.

5. Take pictures

It doesn’t matter if you’re going away or staying at home. It’s always a good idea to take pictures to remember all the moments that happen during break.

6. Get organized

Write down all the important events and deadlines in your calendar that you have coming up, clean out your backpack, etc. If you get organized now, you’ll be more likely to keep up your organizational skills when you get back to school. 

7. Refresh yourself

When I say this, I mean do things that you normally wouldn’t have time to do at school – this means getting your nails done, going to get a haircut, etc. Doing these things can make you feel like you’re more put together, which can also make you feel more productive in getting other tasks done.

No matter what you do during Spring Break, just make sure it’s enjoyable. I hope this gets you started on things that you can do during break!


Hi! I'm majoring in Communications and Culture with a minor in Marketing at Fordham Rose Hill. I hope you enjoy my articles!