Name: Joey Guarnaccia
School and Year: FCRH’16
Major: Double major in Anthropology and Sociology
Single or Taken: Taken
What do you love about Fordham? I love that everyone is friendly, it’s a very community oriented place.
Campus Involvement: NSO, CSS, Co-Chair of Commuter Life Committee, Intramurals, Advising for Student Athletes
Hobbies: Playing videogames, playing guitar, and eating
Favorite class at Fordham and why? It was called Forensic Investigation of the Human Skeleton. I took it fall my sophomore year. It was taught by Kimberley Consroe and that helped me decide what I wanted to major in.
Favorite place to eat off campus? The chicken parm hero at Tino’s contains magic.
Describe your dream job. My dream job is to be the head Forensic Anthropologist at the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in New York City.
Words to live by? Dysfunction over fashion.
What do you like about being in a relationship? I like that it’s a trustworthy, consistent source of someone that you can be open with and that that person is there for you to help you out with your problems. Also, companionship is pretty cool. Everyone likes that.
If your life had a theme song, what would it be? This is the most difficult question that I’ve ever had to answer. as he scrolls through his Ipod playlist and changes his mind a couple of times, he finally decides on Frank Sinatra – “That’s Life.”
What are you currently watching on Netflix? My girlfriend and I have a deal. She watches Game of Thrones and I watch Vampire Diaries.
What is one thing girls should know about guy code? There’s so many. But I would say don’t feel that you’re getting in the way of anything if you’re hanging out with a group of guys and you’re the only girl. It’s only awkward if you feel that you’re in the way. People appreciate that you’re getting along with everybody, regardless of who it is.
Any advice for single guys? And even girls? Do whatever makes you happy. If you like being single, stay single. Do whatever feels right for you. My girlfriend and I weren’t looking for a relationship and it just worked out that way.
We can only hope that Joey reflects the rest of the Fordham male population.