Welcome back from Thanksgiving break, collegiettes! It’s that time again when I reveal some of my favorite things I overheard on campus this past month. I have to say our fellow Rams really stepped it up these past 30 days (or maybe I’m just getting better at eavesdropping). Either way, I hope this article offers you some laughs and consolation as we all prepare for final papers/projects/presentations/exams/ugh. Without further adue, here is your #OverheardAtFordham for November 2014!
1. “MVP”
“I’m the Michael Jordan of flag football. He played one game with the flu. I played three flag football games with mono and put up numbers.”
2. Liberal ARTS
“Do you wanna see all the arts and crafts I made between classes?!”
3. Is “Cura Personalis” Latin for “Grading on a Curve”?
“I studied for 48 hours straight, and I still got this grade.”
4. Fordham Is My School, New York Police Department Is In My Caf
“Um, what is NYPD doing in this building?”
5. Is That Sarcasm I Detect?
“OH, we have a Carnegie on the other end of the phone! $800 in his bank account!”
[Note: Not sure if the speaker actually doesn’t like people, but how could I pass up the opportunity to use a Dylan O’Brien GIF?]
6. Priorities
“Hey, do you wanna go to the city tomorrow instead? Because I’m feeling a nap coming on.”
7. Hold My Earrings
“If I voted anyone off the island, it would be you. I think you think I’m lying, but I’m not.”
8. That Core Curriculum Struggle
“There is a Sparknotes for the Bible!”
9. Not a Bad Idea
“They need to burn Tinker’s to the ground and completely rebuild it and make it for juniors and seniors only.”
10. Totally Unrelated Bonus GIF
Because while writing this blog, I came across this Jake Gyllenhall GIF and he has one of those structurally flawless faces.