Name: Qasim Suhail
Class: FCLC 2018
Major: Engineering physics with an undeclared minor in philosophy
1. How are you involved on campus?
I’m a CFM (commuter freshman mentor), a coordinator of Leadership Weekend, a member of CSA, an LGBTQ ally of support, and I’m a part of Engineers without Borders (we’re building a fishing pond in Uganda), and Formula SAE.
2. Why did you decide to be a part of Leadership Weekend?
I applied sophomore year because it seemed like something from the movies where you go to camp and work on leadership activities. I, therefore, did it every year after that because I made friends sophomore year, and I just felt really inspired. I really looked up to the leaders back then. It made me feel that I was a part of Fordham. It will always hold a special place in my heart.
3. What was Leadership Weekend like?
I had a mix of emotions because I missed my friends back at home, but I made a lot of other new friends, and I got re-inspired like I was sophomore year. Leadership Weekend really did push me over the edge to step out of my comfort zone and achieve great things, so I was excited for all the possibilities it had in store for me.
4. What was your favorite part of Leadership Weekend?
My favorite part was sitting by the campfire and “karaokeing” to old Disney songs on my phone, especially to Hilary Duff. I was really surprised that everyone loved Disney as much as I do.
5. Why is it important to become a student leader?
You can get involved on campus and make friends as well as step outside your comfort zone. It builds up your leadership skills, and it’s actually a lot of fun. I wanted to change myself as a person, and this is the route I chose to take.
6. Why would you encourage students to be part of Leadership Weekend?
It’s a relaxing experience, and it lets you de-stress. You can focus on the important stuff and learn not to stress over the things out of your control. Leadership Weekend is very inspiring.
7. What is your favorite part of being a CFM?
My favorite part is the one-on-one relationships I build with my mentees because they end up becoming my best friends. I also really like the event planning and little events we get to do because everyone gets to know each other. It also reminds of my freshman year, and I really loved my experience back then.
8. What has been your favorite class taken at Fordham so far?
My Composition II class with Alexis Quinlan. She was just really nice and all of her content was really thought-provoking. She introduced me to journaling and Google art. It was really cool.
9. What’s your favorite song?
Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus
10. Who’s your favorite celebrity?
Miley Cyrus, obviously.
11. What are you most looking forward to about being a senior?
My graduation and my graduation party. I’m also looking forward to being a part of amazing things like internships, jobs, and exploring my creative side.