The rise of feminism in the 20th century properly defined where women stood on the social ladder. Women fought for voting, educative, and reproductive rights and equality in the workplace. But today, some women choose to define themselves as something called “post-feminist,” claiming the term feminism isn’t necessary as equality under law, in general, has been accomplished.
Some women in the early 2000s believed they were living in a post-feminist age, yet they were unaware of what was to really come. These women didn’t want to be identified as a so-called “feminist” because of the idea that the actual term was off-putting, a negative connotation associated with a term really meant to advocate for women’s rights.Â
But feminism is so much more than just women’s rights, it is a strengthened attempt to create an equal playing field for both men and women. In fact, the need for feminist discussions has never been more prevelant, especially in our political landscape and culture. More and more people, both men and women, are raising awareness about the intersectional inequalities which feminists are fighting for in the contexts of the rights and voices of women, whether it be racism, xenophobia, disablism, homophobia, sexism, and general oppression. Not just for rights for women, but for women to be as equally rewarded as men.Â
Too often the discussion of the white patriarchy is outlined in an activist lense. More and more campaigns, including #MeToo, #TimesUp, and the Women’s March are focusing on sexual harassment and abuse against women in the workplace to welcome those affected to feel encouraged to share their experiences about feeling socially-incapable of embodying their inner strength and power.Â
Many young adults are aware of the global history of feminism, however the introduction of social media and other outlets has allowed for accessibility to many petitions, protests, and huge activist movements. Individuals can canvass and lobby local government, attend marches and parades, boycott companies who exploit female employees, and much more. They also can post on their own social media about a cause they are passionate or concerned about, or donate to charities fighting these intersectional social causes.Â
The accessibility to new media platforms, easier mobility, and the ability to connect with others’ stories has created a widespread, reimagined feminist movement which continues to desire to be fully-accepted. Activism is multi-dimensional in its nature, and continues to be fought by many unique individuals who each connect to the broader concept in their own individual ways.
Due to the modern ease of spreading the message of feminism, I’m hoping that feminism will never lose its flare – it’s not a fad or the latest trend, but a 100-year+ battle for gender justice and equality. I just want individuals to continue to feel the urgency to campaign and be active in their local and federal governments. Social media post and petitions need to be uniquely posted and with purpose. Let’s fight this fight!