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Words of Wisdom with Karen Hill

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.


Photo courtesty of Refinery 29 

This week’s campus celebrity, senior Karen Hill, is one Fordham student who came to New York knowing she would not let one day go by wasted. She has tried the food, shopped the must-visit stores, and scored the dream internships. Now, she’s talking to Her Campus Fordham about how she got here, and what she loves most about being a Ram. 

Where are you from? Washington, DC —Like actually, DC. Not Maryland. Not Virginia.

What year are you? Senior!

What is your major? Sociology Major, French and Communication and Media Studies Minors

What activities are you involved in? I volunteer with Fordham’s Let’s Get Ready and I tutor high school kids for the SAT.

How did you decide to come to Fordham? I had no idea what I wanted to be or do in the long run. I did know, however, that whatever I decided I could find it New York. Fordham was perfect because the campus is beautiful and I have access to all New York City has to offer. I came to Fordham’s admitted students day without high hopes, but the sun was shining and campus was beautiful. I fell in love instantly. To top it off, I heard Father McShane speak in the gym and I was sold. Also, there was a White Castle across the street. I couldn’t resist.

Do you have any tips for students who are trying to balance schoolwork, extracurriculars, and other obligations like internships? Finding balance is definitely tricky, but I like my schedule busy; otherwise, I feel lazy. I think it is important that your extracurriculars are something you actually enjoy doing, and not just resume boosters. Also, if you’re happy with the work you’re doing and the classes you’re taking, it’s harder to get stressed. Even if you’re doing what you love, don’t overload yourself because you only have but so much energy. Junior year I had two internships on top of my job in retail on top of clubs and school and my social life. I didn’t even have time to do my homework, let alone enjoy myself. Something has to give in those situations, and it should never be school. I am not a remotely organized person, but keeping a little agenda or wall calendar helps to visualize everything you have to do. If you feel overwhelmed, just prioritize what is really most important and enjoyable to you and drop everything else. Try to please yourself before you worry about pleasing others whether it be to employers via your impressive resume or your friends begging you to go out when you know you just need a break. Mental health days are also totally okay!

What’s your favorite thing about New York? The food in NY is literally my savior. For a while I was a vegetarian and then found out I need to be gluten-free. If I didn’t live in New York, I probably would have starved to death by now. All its specialty health shops and hipster restaurants saved me. But since I gave up that (really dumb) diet, I can eat White Castle again. Although, I probably shouldn’t cheat on that gluten-free thing.

What’s on your NYC bucket list? I really want to go to the Sex Museum. That is such a unique thing to New York. It sounds educational and fun—especially, since I’m a former dating columnist. I’ve also never seen a concert or Broadway play in NY somehow, but I’ve been to the NY Philharmonic and Opera several times. I should fix that. This probably will never happen, but I want to buy out Bergdorf Goodman’s. I’ll settle for just empty bags to show off up and down fifth avenue though.

Do you have a favorite Fordham memory? I can’t recall any one in particular, but I assume it involved Tinkers.

What’s your favorite class you’ve taken at Fordham? My favorite classes are tied between The Sociology of Media, Crime, Sex, and Violence with Professor Kerry Sweet and Affirmative Action with Professor Mark Naison. They really challenged my perspective on ideas I had once taken for granted. I find myself always whipping out facts from those classes. It’s nice to know I actually learned something.

Where’s your favorite spot on campus? I would say my room, but I don’t live “on campus” anymore. So, I guess Eddies in the spring is pretty hard to beat.

If you could give one piece of advice to a Fordham collegiette, what would it be? Take advantage of the city and all it has to offer. Whether it be exploring downtown, trying exciting new restaurants, or applying to every internship NY has to offer, just do it! You should never be bored or uninspired in the city, but I can’t say the same for your couch or at tribar. Just get out a little more often and all the exposure to the culture in NY will benefit you.

What’s your dream job? Well, my dream always was to be a dancer-singer-model-actress-superwoman, but it didn’t take me long to realize I didn’t, don’t, never will have any of the proper qualifications for any those professions. While I’m still not entirely sure what I want to be, I want it to involve writing. I love to write and I would say that is my passion and talent that I want to share. I love the power of words and how they can move people. Whatever I do, I just want to demonstrate a power to inspire people (if that’s not too cheesy). I don’t need to be famous as long as something I write changes even just one person’s life in the smallest of ways.

What do you think the best part of a Jesuit education is? The best part is the well-roundedness of the education. Having previously attended Catholic school for 7 years — despite not being Catholic —I knew I wanted to continue with the tradition and beauty of an in depth liberal arts education. Maybe all I am learning is good for cocktail conversation, but I feel it’s so much more than that. The Jesuit education challenges you to be a better version of yourself and to pass on the torch of your education to set the world on fire. At least, that is what I have gotten from it, and I love it!

What’s one thing everyone would be surprised to learn about you? I am an old lady at heart; I love to knit. I can literally look at a sweater in just about any store and tell you how to make it. But I won’t tell you that I have the patience to actually sit down and do it. I was actually president of my high school’s knitting club, “Blankets for Babies.” We knit blankets to donate to new mothers in need; so, it was for a good cause (and to suit my not-so-guilty pleasure.)

Pick one!

Bronx Zoo or Botanical Gardens? Botanical Gardens. Those spring blossoms are beautiful.

Arthur Ave or Fordham Road? Fifth avenue. JK. I live on Fordham Road come Halloween and every Senior Night trying to find the perfect crazy outfits. And they have ethnic hair shops! Let me tell you: Walgreens does not carry what this naturalista needs! Afros are not an easy thing to tame.

Cafeteria or Grille? Grille ( One Buff Chick Wrap, please!)

RamVan or Subway? Subway. The RamVan will get you but so far, and stuck in traffic.

Met or MoMA? MoMa.

Hot Dog or Bagel? Hot dog, with Sabret’s special onion sauce! Yum!

Broadway or Off-Broadway? I can’t stand either. Sorry.

Radio City or Madison Square Garden? Radio City.

Central Park or Brooklyn Bridge? Central Park. Brooklyn bridge is too far and I don’t like walking. I really want to take one of those horse drawn carriages, but I also don’t want to waste my money.

Alyssa is a senior at Fordham University pursuing a major in Communications and Media Studies, and a minor in Spanish. With career goals ranging from digital editor at a major women's magazine, to writing a best selling young adult novel, she has put her skills to the test in many different areas of the communications field.