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Yikes! When Campus Critters Invade!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

We’ve all heard horror stories of the bugs that you find creeping in college dorm rooms across America.  The tell tale crinkling sound of a bug crawling is enough to make any girl cringe. All of us think it will never happen to us, but what do you do when the creepy crawlers invade?

Jewel George, a freshman in the Gabelli School of Business, says “On move in day my parents and I found a huge cockroach in the room. It wasn’t the best welcoming present I’ve received!”

Emily Belmonte, another freshman at Fordham College at Rose Hill, recalls her first encounter with our critters, “I was sitting in my room, and all of the sudden this big bug is crawling on my floor! I screamed and jumped up on my windowsill I was so scared! My roommate, Jen, and I had to get a guy to help us find it, and even then it crawled into the wall before we could kill it!” Laughing, she adds “I did not want to sleep in my room that night. It took a while for me to feel okay again!”

With the weather getting colder, our outdoor friends will also be seeking warmth and comfort for the next few months. What are some tips and tricks to prevent creepy crawlers from entering your home away from home? First, put away all food. Make sure, if it has to be out, it is sealed in a container and there are no crumbs. After eating, also make sure to wipe the area down so no residue is left for the bugs to follow. “I remember finding a cockroach sitting on a pear on top of my fridge!” Margaret Sullivan says “I threw away all the fruit I had and cleaned until my room sparkled!”

                 (pictured: a defeated centipede in a Walsh Hall kitchen)

Bug sprays can also prove to be helpful in preventing bugs from getting in. “I made sure to spray the perimeter of my room with Raid, but any bug killer will do!” Freshman Amanda Maile said. “I sprayed in my closet, under my bed, even out in the hallway to make sure no cockroaches will get in for a while.”

If you continue to have problems, you can always call maintenance to help you with your bug problems. “When I called them, they came and put out traps.” Amanda Maile continued. “Hopefully they’ll work!”

Do you have any stories or know anyone who does? Share it with us below!


Currently studying at Fordham University in the Gabelli School of Business Hope to be a Business Admin Major with a Dual Concentration in Marketing and Communications/Social Media