The editing of photos has been happening since photography was invented. Even before digital film was being used, film was edited. The process was much more difficult without the help of the programs today, but it was still done. As personal laptops became more attainable and the software became easier to use, readers had a much harder time distinguishing the original photos from the fakes. The fashion industry is taking full advantage of this and using retouching to create unattainable images in the name of perfection and image.
           Many people grow up seeing these fake images of models, celebrities, musicians, and actors thinking that they are the ideal standards that they have to live up to. Magazines edit out any blemishes like pimples, scars, stretch marks, cellulite, dark under eye circles, and even freckles, which should not be considered imperfections. All of these are normal occurrences on the human body, but are treated as unsightly marks that need to be removed. It is then hard to look at your own body at a young age and try to understand why you have these marks when that cover model does not look like you. We see these “perfect’ models in ad campaigns in the magazines that are then blown up larger than life to fit the enormous billboards in Times Square in NYC. Some models have even seen photoshoots of themselves and have not been able to recognize their own bodies or facial features.
           Fashion magazines often edit weight too. In the past few years this has been causing more outrage in the public. Readers are calling for representation of more sizes in the magazine photos. Recently there have been campaigns brought on by companies like Dove and Aerie calling for “real” models that they then feature in TV commercials, advertisements, and (specifically for Aerie) in store photos. When we do not see “real” models being represented we question our own body type and if it is good enough for today’s standards in society. People are definitely becoming more aware of over-editing and keeping it in check. It is important when glancing through the glossy pages of a magazine to keep reality in check and realize that not everything that we see is being represented truthfully.