Yes, it’s true. Florida does get cold. Obviously we know that it doesn’t get nearly as cold here as it does in your home states, Northerners, but the “Sunshine State” actually isn’t so “sunny” during the winter months. Growing up as a South Floridian myself, I classify “cold” as anything below 70 degrees. Only until moving to Tallahassee, Florida did I develop a love/hate relationship for colder weather. Here’s 10 thoughts most FSU students have towards cold weather.
1. OMG, it’s going to be 50 degrees outside tomorrow! What a nice break from the usual 90 degrees!
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2. I can finally wear all of my cute winter clothes!
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3. Okay—it has been 50 degrees for two weeks straight. I live in Florida. Enough is enough.
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4. THREE. WEEKS. STRAIGHT. When will this end?
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5. Snapchat told me it was 28 degrees outside, so I’m just going to stay in bed all day. They can’t possibly expect me to go to class in this weather.
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6. Um, it was 40 degrees this morning… HOW is it 70 degrees now?
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7. It’s not even noon. I wore way too many layers. I am sweating.
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8. I miss the cold again. Come back.
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9. I take that back. No. Go away cold weather.
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10. Florida weather: make up your mind. Or should I?
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