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8 New Year’s Resolutions To Become the Best You in 2024

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

We’re only about half a month into 2024, and it’s already proving itself to be a busy, busy year. In past years, I’ve made tens of thousands of New Year’s resolutions, but I’ve never actually seen them come to fruition. It’s easy to make these promises to yourself that you forget by the time March rolls around. But when Dec. 31 comes back to surprise us all, we remake all the same promises we had made the year before. And if you’re anything like my family, you’re shoving 12 grapes in your mouth as you do this. 

This year, I’ve decided to take a bit of a different route. All of these resolutions are not only sure to make your 2024 better, but they’re also specific and achievable. These New Year goals are not simply making more money or eating healthier, instead, these ideas can be measured and ultimately completed. The following resolutions check all of those boxes; they’re perfect for the new year!

1. spend your time with those who lift you up

2024 is the year of positivity and self-care. We have no space for any toxicity in our lives, and we’ll make sure we stay away from that through this resolution. 

This goal is actually pretty easy to measure! For example, last year, I set the goal to have good quality hang-out time with my friends at least once a week. This means that if I hang out with some people during my week but feel horrible afterward, that won’t count toward my quota. 

It’s also important to give yourself some grace when it comes to these things. If I don’t make my goal one week, I’ll push it to next week where I’ll have to hang out with those who lift me up twice that week. Eventually, after time, you will begin to see those who provide happiness and light in your life much more often, completing your goal for the year. 

2. focus on work-life balance

With this semester being the first in-semester internship I’ve had, I’ve definitely been struggling with keeping a work-life balance. While it’s important to do well in school, you also must make time for your favorite hobbies.

Similar to the last resolution, this one can be measured on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Personally, I make sure I spend at least three hours a week reading as I love to immerse myself in different worlds. This usually comes to about 30 minutes every night before I go to bed. 

This resolution is adaptable to any hobby you enjoy, whether that’s playing games or going on daily walks! This will ensure that you aren’t working 24/7 and give yourself some time to enjoy life. 

3. immerse yourself in nature

Ever since I’ve been in college, almost everything has been completely online. This means that I’m usually cooped up in the tiny space of a dorm room all day, every day. If I’m not, I’m cooped up in a little desk in the library.

One thing that I found that I absolutely love is immersing myself in nature. College campuses are perfect for this as they usually have lots of trees and wildlife within the campus. At Florida State University, you can take advantage of Landis Green and the gorgeous nearby trails. You can even stop by the Rez, a man-made lake that’s just a short drive away from campus.

For me, it’s extremely important that I stay connected with nature and go on my hot girl walks at least once a week to be able to calm myself down from the stresses of college. 

4. make time for your family

Being in college, I don’t get to see my family nearly as often as I’d like to. With that, it’s very important for me to spend time with them, whether that’s just having a quick chat before bed or sending them photos of my day. 

For many of us, it’s our first time away from home. For our families, it’s their first time living without us. I try to make as much time as possible to continue to bond with them and update them about my day as if we were still together in person. 

5. become involved on campus

This is one of the few resolutions I’ve actually been able to complete this past year. With the stress of the future on our shoulders in college, it can feel like we are in a never-ending cycle of work. However, there’s a fun way to further your career and gain valuable experience while also having fun.

For me, this has been joining extracurricular activities, such as the Women’s Student Union, Women in Government, and Her Campus at FSU! I’ve been able to build a community of like-minded women who fill my life with positivity. At the same time, I’ve been able to gain transferable skills for the workplace while also networking with other people who are in similar career fields as me. This year, my resolution is to join two more clubs and attend at least three of each of their meetings.

6. volunteer

Another great way to spend your new year is by volunteering! The joy that volunteering can bring is endless; I swear by it. Whether it’s hosting a bake sale, cleaning up your local beach, or packing food bags, these actions make you feel like a million bucks while also giving back to your community. 

I’ve made it a resolution to volunteer at least three times this semester. There are a ton of organizations that run volunteering, such as The Big Event Tallahassee

7. avoid overconsumption

As you probably have seen all over social media, there’s a lot of overconsumption being promoted everywhere. This year, I’ve made it a resolution to only buy what I need and to go to secondhand stores first.

I’ve actually found really nice items at secondhand stores! The items in the store tend to be a lot more unique and are perfect for those who are into a more vintage style. 

8. love yourself

This resolution is obviously easier said than done, but there are measurable ways to go about it. Loving yourself is definitely a gradual process, so 2024 will be the year that you start!

One way that you can practice loving yourself is through affirmations. I’ve made a resolution to give myself three positive affirmations every morning in the mirror.

Another way you can practice self-love is through being kind to others. You could make a call to do three kind actions each day, whether it’s opening the door for someone else or giving someone a compliment that you don’t know that well! Being kind will always make you feel better about yourself, and it also helps others feel better about themselves. It’s a double-edged sword of goodness!

Overall, New Year’s resolutions are a fun way to prepare for a better year. This year will be the year that you complete them all. 2024 is a year for the girls, and we will make it the best year yet!

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Reese Hrannarsson is a staff writer at the Her Campus at Florida State University chapter. She writes bi-weekly articles surrounding personal, culture, and campus topics. Beyond Her Campus, Reese is the Director of Finance for Florida State University's Women Student Union and the Secretary for the Women In Government club. She is a sophomore majoring in Political Science and Economics and is interested in working in government. In her free time, Reese enjoys going biking and spending time with family and friends. She also loves travelling and hopes to travel to every U.S. capital.