We all know our favorite (and least favorite) buildings on the FSU campus. As we just said goodbye to our winter graduating class of 2024, what’s better than to give these collegiate landmarks a yearbook superlative?
As students, we spend so much time walking through campus, hurriedly getting to a class, or taking a leisurely walk to The Sweet Shop for a coffee. The libraries become our home during finals week, and the Student Union is where you’ll run into everyone you know while trying to beat the 300-person line at Starbucks.
Overall, our campus is home to some gems that deserve to be recognized. These buildings hold countless memories and thousands of students daily, so it only seems fair to give them a name that describes their personality!
Best Dressed
First, the beloved Dodd Hall is voted Best Dressed in this FSU Yearbook. This building is home to the most beautiful stained glass at FSU, creating colorful patterns as the sun shines. Every day, students bring their work to sit at the grand, dark-wood tables while snapping a few photos to post on their Instagram stories. I think this building deserves the title of Best Dressed at FSU.
Most likely to be late
Next, with the title Most Likely to be Late, is the FSU Stone Building. Being on the far edge of campus, most students (myself included) will think the walk from Landis will be quick, but we always end up a few minutes late.
After finding the building on your first day of class, it should be easy enough to get to your classroom, right? Wrong. From personal experience, give yourself an extra five minutes to get there; the winding halls make it oh-so confusing.
Most likely to travel the world
On the opposite side of campus, Diffenbaugh is awarded Most Likely to Travel the World. In the many rooms inside, students can take multiple language classes to prepare them to go global or complete their major requirements.
To get to the building, students must climb what is known to students as Diffenbaugh Mountain, which is a real feat in the rain, extreme heat, or, more recently, snow and ice. It might as well be a stop on the world-traveling reality show The Amazing Race!
Most likely to be famous
For Most Likely to be Famous, the Kuersteiner Music Building holds the award. Students studying in the College of Music or School of Theatre frequently use the practice rooms to perfect their craft. Home to the beautiful Opperman Music Hall, students perform for anyone who will listen. Go attend the next concert; the students are talented and definitely most likely to be famous.
best personality
Up next is the William Johnston Building. In the heart of campus, this building wins the title of Best Personality. The large windows and doors on the front of the building open up to a gorgeous marble floor. Walking through, two large lecture halls that give Hogwarts vibes sit at the top of the staircase. In contrast, the opposite direction is very modern, leaving multiple different “personalities” in the building.
most social
Next is the Most Social, which, of course, goes to FSU’s Student Union. From Panera Bread to Club Downunder, the Student Union is always one of the most crowded (and loud) buildings on campus. Whether you want to get work done or meet a friend for lunch, the Student Union is the place to be!
best study buddy
The easiest superlative to give away, Best Study Buddy, goes to Strozier. If you need to lock in, Strozier’s tables and study rooms will be your best friend. However, during finals week, maybe look into Dirac or another study place where the entire student body won’t take over.
most photogenic
Westcott Fountain, awarded Most Photogenic, is the second to last among the superlatives. Graduate students, prospective students, and even some dogs are regularly photographed in front of the iconic fountain. If someone hears FSU, their mind likely goes to this well-known symbol or the stories of students being thrown in on their 21st birthday.
most spirited
Last but certainly not least is the Most Spirited title, which undoubtedly goes to Doak Campbell Stadium. Home to the best gamedays and loudest War Chants, Doak is the classic embodiment of FSU spirit and deserves the Most Spirited superlative. Hopefully, it will become even more spirited when — well, if — our football team starts winning games.
FSU is home to some of the best buildings a college campus could offer. These superlatives can’t even cover them all! On a day off, walk into a building you haven’t seen yet. You may find your new favorite study or coffee date spot!
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