Coming to terms with the end of spring break is heartbreaking for all of us. You realize that you spent one blissful week away from the world only to get thrown back into the second half of the semester. But don’t fret, with the rest and relaxation gained over spring break, you are primed to finish the semester off strong. Here’s how:
1. Get your sleep cycle back
Obviously going to bed at 10 p.m. and waking up at 6 a.m. was a little unattainable over spring break, but going back to a regular sleep cycle will help you boost your productivity and will help you conquer every single day for the remainder of the semester.
Courtesy: POPSUGAR
2. Hit the gym
There are so many benefits besides weight loss that are associated with regularly visiting the gym. Studies have shown that incorporating complex movements into your workout routine challenges your brain and actually makes you smarter over time! In addition to this, working out regularly helps people feel less depressed, stressed and anxious, all common feelings associated with the end of spring break and the semester starting up again.
Courtesy: POPSUGAR
3. Revisit your planner
If you are anything like me, your planner has stayed on your desk since the beginning of February, but excavate it, dust it off and write down anything you think is important for the week. Then keep doing it. There are only a few weeks left in the semester. You can definitely keep this habit up for the remainder.
Courtesy: Nordstrom
4. Tidy up
In addition to keeping your school assignments organized, and in the spirit of spring cleaning, you should also make a conscious effort to keep your living space organized. Do this by immediately unpacking when you get home, taking some productivity breaks from homework to get rid of old things and finding a home for every item you own. A clean living space will make you feel happier, more organized and ready to work!
Courtesy: Wayfair
5. Take care of yourself
It is easy to throw yourself into school work, wearing only sweatpants and top knots and to just get lost in the rest of the semester. But you will feel so much more productive and happy about yourself if you take it slow, one day at a time, and take care of yourself. Maybe try meditating or taking a relaxing bubble bath once a week. Take breaks in between classes and schoolwork. Try the Pomodoro technique where you work for 25 straight minutes then take a 5-minute break and repeat as necessary.
Courtesy: Pinterest