This week I sat down and spoke with Aaron McKenzie, a theater major and a brother of Theta Chi. Aaron is a perfect example of a well-rounded individual who is true to himself and a welcome reminder of how important it is to pursue your passions. Oh and also, he’s a total stud!
Name: Aaron McKenzie
Year:Â Sophomore
Major:Â Theater
Hometown:Â Melbourne, FL
Relationship Status:Â Single
Photo By: Annie Grafe
Her Campus (HC): When did you get involved with theater?
Aaron McKenzie (AM): When I was about eight. It started when my mom put me in piano lessons. My piano teacher also taught choir and encouraged me to join, which was at a theater, and then I ended up getting involved with theater summer camps, which basically sparked my interest.
HC: Did you always plan on being a theater major at FSU?
AM: No, I planned on getting a degree in engineering and maybe further down the line I would pursue theater. I realized how impractical that would be and I would rather pursue what I love. I spent freshman year on a pre-engineering track, but I decided to audition for the theater program and was accepted this semester, so I focused on my Gen Eds and added some dance classes that will count for the musical theater major.
HC: How long did it take you to decide to switch your major?
AM: I decided about halfway through freshman year. I was still able to be a part of the FSU theater program without being in the major and that’s essentially what prompted me. Being in Ragtime, getting into the rehearsal process and meeting everyone in the theater program kind of made the decision for me.
HC: Have you been in many shows at FSU?
AM: I have been in three: Ragtime (freshman), A Chorus Line and Legally Blonde (sophomore).
HC: How much of a time commitment does rehearsal require?
AM: It’s a lot. Six days of the week from 7-11 p.m. Once we get closer to the show opening, it becomes seven days per week. We start rehearsing about two months prior to the fall show, and spring usually starts a little earlier; usually rehearsals run from November to February.
HC: Do you have time for any other hobbies?
AM: I also enjoy playing recreational sports, which I get to do with my fraternity brothers.
Photo By: Annie Grafe
HC: What fraternity are you in and what prompted you to join Greek life?
AM: I am lucky enough to be in Theta Chi. It happened by chance because I was initially kind of opposed to joining Greek life. I decided to give it a try and I’m glad I did. I’ve been exposed to a lot of opportunities with campus involvement and I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many great people.
HC: How do you manage time between classes, theater and Greek life?
AM: Luckily, my fraternity is very supportive of theater, especially since for me, it’s more a passion and career choice than a hobby. I am able to make of my fraternity what I want; they’re really understanding when I have rehearsal and they’ve allowed me to pick and choose when I participate. I live in the house so I’m surrounded by my brothers in my free time and I don’t feel like I’m ever missing out. In the past two semesters I learned not to bite off more than I can chew – I’ve found it’s about finding a balance between work and fun, when to say no and when to say yes.
HC: Many would assume that most guys in theater and Greek life tend to be pretty different – how do you react to that?
AM: Me personally, I think since FSU is known for an amazing liberal arts program, theater and the arts in general are very respected here. I think there is an assumed respect between my brothers, and much of Greek life, of theater. Ultimately, theater is all about entertainment. A lot of Greek life came out to see Legally Blonde and they show a lot of support for myself and my castmates and all of the hard work that we do.
HC: Where do you hope to see your career go?
AM: I have a lot of long-term goals. The number one of course is to be on Broadway someday. I also want to get involved with camera work with film/TV. I would love to get experience behind the scenes, maybe directing or learning the technical aspects. The technicalities of shows are often overlooked but usually that’s what makes the show and I’m definitely intrigued by it.
HC: It seems like a lot of college students face the decision to either go with a “money major” or go with their passion. What advice would you give to someone in a similar position?
AM: I think now more than ever is the time when it’s encouraged to follow your dreams, so to speak. So personally that’s what I would say since I’ve been through both. I am so happy doing what I love. I know there’s risk in my career choice but it’s more about the reward at the end of the day, which is personal satisfaction.