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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Alison Levy

Year: Junior

Age: 20

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Coral Springs, FL

Relationship Status: Single

Courtesy: Alison Levy

Her Campus (HC): What are you involved in?

Alison Levy (AL):Ā I am involved in the Pre-Vet Club at FSU and Hillel at FSU.

HC: So, wait, you are involved with Pre-Vet, but your major is Psychology. What is going on there?

AL: Actually, getting into vet school doesnā€™t mean you have to be a biology major. You just have to take the prerequisites that are needed for the school. So, if there is something you are really interested in like psychology like I am you can just take the classes needed to get into vet school or minor in biology. There are many people who get into vet school who are of different majors than just a bio major.

Courtesy: Alison Levy

HC: That is really interesting! What do you do in the Pre-Vet Club?

AL: A big part of the club is helping students prepare for vet school, but an even better part is just having a love for animals. You donā€™t have to be on the pre vet track to join the club, if you love animals it is the perfect place to be because one of our main actions is working with animals.

HC: Have you always loved animals?

AL: Yes I have. Ever since I was a little kid I pretty much always wanted to be a vet. Iā€™ve always had a love for all animals aside from a few. At one point in my life I had as many as two dogs, two cats, a hamster, a turtle, a hedgehog and fish all at the same time. Also, in high school I had snakes and a skunk.

HC:Ā Aside from the animals you have had, you are involved in Hillel. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

AL: Hillel is the Conservative Judaism organization on campus. Its pretty much student-run, which is really great because it makes it really easy to connect to the staff. I donā€™t go as often as I used to, but I still try to go once a month.

Courtesy: Alison Levy

HC: What have been the benefits of being in these organizations?

AL: Friends. There was a Hillel camping trip my first year and I was really nervous to go, but it ended up that I had a great time and met some incredible people. Joining Hillel I was really fortunate to have met some of my best friends who are now my roommates. Pre-Vet Club has given me the opportunity to make a ton of friends, but the greatest opportunity I gained from it was the chance to volunteer at Seacrest Wolf Preserve.

HC: Wolf Preserve. Now that seems really cool, what is that?

AL: Seacrest Wolf Preserve is an educational facility with the goal to teach people about wolves and show them that they are not the ā€˜big bad wolfā€™ that some people make them out to be. Part of the preserve is to also breed these wolves and keep up the population and send them to other educational facilities. Itā€™s actually an incredible place because you donā€™t only get to learn about them but you get the chance to go into their enclosures and meet them, pet them and bond with them.

HC: I can tell that you really love those wolves. I love the way you talk about them. Do you have any other interests?

AL: I also enjoy exploring Tallahassee.

HC: That sounds fun, what places have you been to?

AL: Iā€™ve gone hiking at sinkholes and at Lake Jackson Indian Mounds. Recently Iā€™ve gotten into rock climbing at the Tallahassee Rock Gym at Railroad Square.

HC: I am definitely getting that you are a person in to a lot of activities. Are you ever at home?

AL: Well, of course, Iā€™m home. I have to be home to study and get work done. But I also go home to relax take some time to myself and watch some Netflix.

HC:Ā What is your Netflix obsession right now?

AL: Iā€™ve been re-watching Parks and RecreationĀ because itā€™s one of my favorites and it always puts me in a good mood. I swear itā€™s my favorite show Iā€™m always making references to it. It sucks when someone hasnā€™t watched it and Iā€™m just here like come on,Ā Parks and Rec!

My name is Zahra. Love the color green and love FSU
Her Campus at Florida State University.