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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Nowadays, you can walk into almost any boutique and find crystal pendant necklaces and astrology sign related goodies. They’re a new wave of fashion, and almost everyone I see around our college campus has their astrological sign or crystal jewelry out on display. But do we really know where they originated? Crystals and astrology are more than just a trendy topic! 

Astrology is a pseudoscience that has been used for thousands of years. It takes a screenshot of the sky and planet placements at the time and location of your birth to tell you more about yourself and your personality in connection with the universe. Astrological placements have been used as far back as Ancient Roman times, but the most common connection astrology has is to Wiccan practices. Wicca is a form of modern paganism dating back to the 20th century, and it has become more popular than ever in the past few years. Wicca involves many different elements, but most associate it with connections to astrology, crystals and tarot cards. 

Moon Phases
Photo by Marcus Dall Col from Unsplash

Crystals have been used by Wiccans for years as a way to connect with the energy of the universe. They are believed to have different properties that can absorb the user’s energies to put out into the universe or vice versa. Wiccans use crystals for different practices, such as energy transfers, communicating with the divine and many others. 

Witchcraft has had a long and difficult history dating back to the days when suspected witches were burned at the stake out of fear. Witches are portrayed in children’s stories as ugly, evil beings with long crooked noses and green skin adorned in all black dress. But today, the word “witch” has been given a whole new meaning, and you probably know or have met a witch without even realizing it! They don’t dress in all black or fly on brooms like we’ve all been conditioned to believe. 

Moon magic book on a wicca altar
Photo by Content Pixie from Unsplash

Witchy practices and spiritual awakenings have been at an all-time high as many younger, liberal individuals have gravitated towards Wicca since it encourages mindfulness, connection with the self and connection to our universe. You can now find witches showing off their practices just by scrolling through your Instagram or TikTok timelines (WitchTok is a thing; it’s a great way to learn more about these eclectic practices.)!

With its growing popularity, many Wiccan elements have become “trendy,” but many don’t understand the background and meaning behind their astrological placement and crystal jewelry. Because it’s now safe for witches to openly practice without fear, most want non-practicers to be able to wear crystals and enjoy the knowledge that comes with really diving into your astrology!

You don’t have to practice Wicca to be interested in Wiccan elements but like with all things, it’s always beneficial to learn the background of your favorite trendy items and why they mean so much to the Wiccan community. So, the next time you put on your favorite crystal necklace, try and connect with the universe and see what happens!

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Abigail Stejskal is a student at FSU majoring in English who is passionate about writing and journalism.
Her Campus at Florida State University.