With the stress accompanied by the October LSAT behind us, it’s time to start honing in on where we actually want to attend law school – not just the necessary test prep to get us there. With so many amazing options, it’s hard to narrow it down. But you’re in luck! Florida State University is hosting its annual law school fair from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on October 12 in the Oglebsy Union Courtyard.
Courtesy: FSU Law
Featuring representatives and admissions officers from law schools across the nation, the law school fair is the prime location to meet and mingle with the people who will review your application. The fair is also a great way to gain valuable information and resources regarding admission requirements, fellowship opportunities and much more! This year, 76 law schools will be represented and they’re all eager to get to know you!
Here are my top 10 tips for how to approach the law school fair:
1. Dress to impress! While casual attire is okay, you will really stand out and leave a lasting impression if you look professional in business attire.
2. Please smile! I know that this is a stressful time, but these representatives are genuinely looking for smart, talented individuals who are approachable and friendly! Your conversation will go much smoother if you feel confident and give off a positive impression.
3. While you aren’t required to bring a resume or personal statement, these things never hurt! Being over prepared is always better than being underprepared.
4. Come prepared. Before the fair, research some of the schools that will be attending so that you have a sense of individual schools’ programs and requirements.
5. Rank your schools. Make sure that you have enough time to visit the schools you are most interested in, as well as schools that you may not have considered before.
6. Prepare a list of 3 to 6 questions to ask the law school representatives. Avoid asking questions that can easily be found online and instead focus on questions that genuinely interest you about the school.
7. Use this opportunity to collect materials and resources from individual law schools so that you can review on your own later.
8. Ask the representatives for their business card. That way, you can easily remember the names of the representatives you spoke to. This will definitely come in handy when sending follow-up and thank you emails.
9. After each conversation, write down some quick notes about your thoughts and impressions on each school. This will be useful for you when reviewing the schools afterwards.
10. After the fair, email or send a thank you note to each of the representatives you spoke with. This will distinguish you from the rest of the crowd and leave a lasting impression with the representatives.
For a full list of law schools participating in the FSU law school fair, click here.