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An Out-Of-State Girl’s Guide on Traveling to Tallahassee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

For the average traveler, four “T” words are neglected when drafting exciting travel plans: troubling, trivial, tiresome, and treacherous. Still, the average traveler isn’t catching flights to and from a miniature airport alongside a college town. Therefore, I can’t fault them for forgetting the fifth “T” – the home of the Seminoles: Tallahassee, Florida.

As a warmth-craving northerner, I knew immediately that I’d pack my bags and flee south for college. I did not waste my thoughts on travel! As an avid flight passenger and lover of Florida, what could go wrong? Naturally, as it turns out, many things can.

Nearly a year after my first flight to the city, I have likely not experienced a fourth of my troubling, trivial, tiresome, and treacherous travel days. However, I’ve found that my repertoire has expanded enough to give some tips and make an innately complicated process a bit less so.

There are a couple of routes you can take to Tallahassee. As a Long Islander, my options consisted of an 18-hour drive, costly connecting flights, or a manageable direct flight followed by a pesky couple-hour inward drive. Although the options aren’t pretty, each has its perks.


For the aspiring driver, you will likely have to make the drive on your initial and final trips since the abundance of stuff needed to fill a bedroom is unfit for aviation. Something you may not have considered is purposefully driving on any other holiday.

Many out-of-state students like myself don’t take cars down, but this isn’t a rule. If you can (which you surely will) find a friend inclined to take you along on their homeward drive, I’d advise you to take the opportunity. In truth, the hours are long, and driving may be monotonous, but with a friend, cracked windows, some cheesy driving games, and a decent playlist, it can create a wonderful memory!

I was lucky that one of my best friends attended a nearby Florida university. We braved the hours together, splitting driving, gas costs, and snacks. It was far cheaper than a holiday flight and a great excuse to sing karaoke, have 6 a.m. energy drinks, and listen to Gossip Girl, which I highly suggest.

Connecting Flights

Taking a flight is the instinct of most travelers. However, Tallahassee International Airport (TLH) is unique because its small size and out-of-the-way location do not favor direct flights.

As an out-of-state student, you’ll likely take a connection and deal with the usual setbacks. These flights are infamous for long traveling hours, but everything post-TSA is generally straightforward. If you’re anything like me, you’ll take out a book, an airport playlist, and a zip-up jacket to make the most of the day.

For the studious, work can be done in between flights. For the sociable, it is remarkably easy to make friends in an airport when you’re all flying to the same small city wearing similar college merchandise.

Still, I’d be kidding you if I said making a connection to Tallahassee is a walk in the park. Precautions should be taken. For starters, it can be challenging to find a cost-efficient flight unless you are willing to fly at ungodly hours or extend your trip over a day. This is why it is crucial to book in advance!

Past that initial hurdle, multiple flights in a day are a recipe for stress. Take it from me, who ran across Tampa International Airport with a spilling suitcase and a winter coat; there will be times you wish you’d driven. However, securing a few hours between arrival and departure makes you far less likely to miss a connection (note: less likely, not fully unlikely).

If you take a cheaper route, you’ll face a variety of planes — small, rickety, and loud. To that, I say headphones and entertainment will heal you. Or a quick, short nap.

Other Airports

For the best (and worst) of both worlds, there are a couple of nearby cities housing airports that are far more extensive and more accessible than TLH. Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, and Pensacola are the closest major airports in the state. Direct flights like these are far cheaper than connections to or from Tallahassee.

However, this initial cost does not account for the subsequent drive, at which point you can buy a ride or catch one with a friend. Like the full-length drive, if you can find a friend nearby to grab your airport bags and take you back to school with them, do it! It saves both of you on costs and the possible silence of a lonely drive. You can pick up some airport food and spend the drive catching up on your breaks spent apart. When planned well, I’ve found this to be the best avenue.

At the end of the day, I’ve seen what I’ve seen (some of which I wish I hadn’t), and surely you will, too. Though traveling to Tallahassee can be unappealing, a beautiful school is waiting in the city’s center, and you can manage the trek there!

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Megan Happel is a freshman and Her Campus staff writer at Florida State University. She is pursuing a degree in Political Science with a minor in Spanish. Beyond Her Campus, Megan has countless interests and dedications; she volunteers at multiple non-profit facilities in Tallahassee, participates in the university's campus band, and is a passionate member of the Ski, Surf, and Surfrider clubs! Her engagement in these community programs gives her a unique writing perspective for this chapter. Aside from university commitments, Megan can be found at the gym, playing guitar, reading, journaling, or, most naturally, at the beach.