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Career Center Resources Every FSU Student Should Know About

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

No matter where you are in your educational journey at Florida State University (FSU), it is never too early (or too late) to take advantage of the extremely helpful services that the Career Center offers to all students. While there are so many available, these are a few that have stuck out to me the most. 


I look at NoleNetwork as FSU’s version of LinkedIn. Through your NoleNetwork account, you are able to find potential new internships and jobs available, even when you are an alumni. You are also able to view and register for different Career Center Events such as career fairs and workshops. This site is also where you make appointments for some of the other services that the Career Center offers such as the ProfessioNole Closet and Mock Interviews.

The ProfessioNole Clothing Closet

Whether it’s an interview, career fair or everyday work clothes, business professional clothing is considered a necessity in many areas. However, for college students, these clothing items may be hard to find or simply too expensive. That’s where the Career Center’s ProfessioNole Clothing Closet comes into play.

The ProfessioNole Clothing Closet allows students to book an appointment through their NoleNetwork account to receive up to 4 free items of professional attire a semester. The closet is mostly made up of donated items from the community. If finding appropriate attire has been difficult for you, this is definitely worth looking into!

Mock Interviews

Many applicants dread the interview that will hopefully follow the submit button on a job application, however, they are an inevitable part of any job hiring process. Thankfully, the Career Center provides a few resources to help students prepare, including their mock interview program.

There are two different types of mock interviews that the career center provides: employer mock interviews and interviews with staff and peer mentors. The employer mock interviews are once a month for a week-long period of time. Each month there is a different industry focus where they will bring in real employers from that industry to conduct your interview. For example,  during the month of April, the interviews will be geared towards those looking to be in an industry of Creatives and Entrepreneurs.

The staff and peer mentor interviews are done by those who work with or in the Career Center and can be tailored for a specific job and industry. The interviews are an hour long and can either be in-person or on zoom. 

Career Document Resources

My personal favorite resources from the Career Center all directly relate to building different career documents such as resumes and cover letters. On their website, you can find a number of guides and checklists that help you craft your documents and stand out to employers.

Not only do they give you the resources to build your documents, but they also will help you review and correct them so that they are ready to submit for your class or application. You can get them reviewed through their drop-in advising to get critiques on the spot or can be submitted through your specific college’s canvas pages which can all be found here.

FSU wants to ensure that its students succeed both during and after completing their degree, and the Career Center is an essential part of making that happen. If you want to learn more about some of the services offered, you can do so through their website here.

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Lauren is a Senior at Florida State University double majoring in Business Management and Marketing with a minor in Communications. She enjoys reading, traveling and spending time with her friends and family.