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FSU Students Win Fight To Reinstate LGBTQ+ Housing on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

This past week, news broke that FSU would be removing the LGBTQ+ housing for the upcoming semesters. This housing creates safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students who fear prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry when it comes to roommates and suitemates in on-campus dorms.

In response, FSU students fought back. The Pride Student Union led the charge, introducing a bill to the Student Senate to reinstate this housing. Tallahassee Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) also released a statement and organized a rally supporting this bill. Students’ efforts across the campus have led to the reinstatement of LGBTQ+ housing.

What is LGBTQIA+ Housing?

Established in 2021, this inclusive housing initiative created specific LBGTQ+ housing opportunities in dorms. This asked students on their housing application if they would like to be in LGBTQ+ housing, and it was open to both students who were a part of the community and allies. This was to combat discrimination many LGBTQ+ students were facing in dorms.

This housing program was specifically beneficial to transgender students who report a high percentage of bullying and harassment in the college setting. According to the Williams Institute, over a third of transgender students have experienced bullying, harassment, or assault in higher education settings. This housing provides a respite for those who fear misgendering, deadnaming, and prejudice from roommates and suitemates. Many of these students face bigotry in their day-to-day lives and want to feel safe in their dorms.

Why did it go away?

Its removal has upset students of all orientations and identities. The program is on an opt-in basis, serving individuals who choose to be a part of it with no effect on students who don’t participate. It doesn’t impact the student body, but it offers housing alternatives to LGBTQ+ students. Its eradication follows President Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ push to end Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs.

The rollback of DEI programs is not foreign to Florida, as Governor Ron DeSantis has led initiatives against DEI since 2023. Last year, FSU quietly dismantled its DEI office, reclassifying employees instead of firing them. This followed DeSantis’ goal to gut the programs, which impacted public universities throughout the state. With further pressure from President Trump’s recent orders, FSU complied with Governor DeSantis’ state mandates and has removed LGBTQ+ housing.

FSU quietly dismantled this housing last year. FSU’s legal team worked to interpret Ron DeSantis’ bills against DEI, which resulted in its removal from housing applications, leaving FSU housing no choice but to comply. It wasn’t until current students filled out their returner applications this semester and noticed no LGBTQ+ housing option that the student body was alerted to this change.

How Did FSU Fight Back?

The Inter-Residence Hall Council (IRHC) criticized the university’s decision and handling of the matter, condemning its silence. The council reaffirmed its vow to speak and advocate for all students and included many resources for students having housing issues.

Similarly, FSU’s Pride Student Union expressed disapproval over the university’s decision to focus specifically on the safety of transgender students. Their statement also defended their student-run drag shows, which they emphasized don’t come from Florida taxpayer dollars. They believe these events offer inclusive spaces for all students and call for the protection of their drag shows.

Both student-run organizations are dedicated to the students they serve, using social media platforms to inform and assuage students’ fears.

Posts and comments flooded social media, with students in mass expressing disapproval of its removal. The Pride Student Union, Tallahassee SDS, and IRHC’s Instagram pages were flooded with angered students and alumni, who were disappointed in FSU’s decision.

The Pride Student Union introduced a bill to the Student Senate to reinstate LGBTQ+ housing on Feb. 12 and encouraged students to support the bill. Initially, public comment on the bill would be held the following Wednesday, Feb. 19. But on Tuesday, Feb. 18, FSU’s Student Senate officially announced that a revised question about LGBTQ+ housing options on applications would be reinstated by its Feb. 27 release.

Although the LGBTQ+ housing option returned, this does beg the question of why it was removed in the first place and what this revised question will look like on applications. Over the past year, students have watched DeSantis’ policies affect FSU’s courses, DEI offices, and LGBTQ+ housing. President Trump has also turned his focus to DEI in public universities and has threatened to cut funding from schools that fail to comply.

The implications this has for FSU are concerning, and it will be as crucial as ever for students to make their voices heard and stay informed about what changes happen on campus.

This decision was heavily impacted by student pushback, and without an engaged student body, who knows what would’ve happened to LGBTQ+ housing? Protest and student organizing can be the most effective ways to initiate the change you want to see. Instances like this remind you why your voice matters and how enacting change starts with you.

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Mali is the staff writer at the Her Campus at FSU chapter. She writes on a variety of topics, including Campus Recreation, local theatre, and general pop culture criticism. Mali loves to read blogs, and other online content aimed at women so being able to create that is something she is very passionate about. She is a Freshman at Florida State University, with a double major in Theatre and English. When Mali isn’t writing for Her Campus she is probably at the movie theatre watching a new movie. She loves theatre, film, and enjoys finding ways to that into her writing! She also loves being outdoors, especially reading on Landis Green! Instagram: @mali_dennis