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“Raide” Your Closet With This FSU Student App

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

It’s no secret that college breaks the bank. Between coffee runs, textbook purchases, game day fits, and everything in between, college students are always in need of earning some extra funds. It’s safe to say passive income is an absolute necessity in the lives of busy college girls.

Budgeting takes us straight to the world of fast fashion. It’s quick and cheap, so of course, we are going to gravitate towards it. Shein and Amazon have become our closest friends when we need just that one trendy top or silky formal gown. It’s become a never-ending cycle between ordering online, never being fully satisfied, and having to keep looking. Considering this, Kennedy Joy Foristall, a recent FSU alumna, sought to solve this ever-growing issue within our campus.

what is raide?

Raide is the newest app created for FSU students by FSU students. Foristall teamed up with fellow FSU student, Noah Romo, to reduce the money spent on fast fashion and foster revenue within the campus community.

Raide is a fully functional app that’s free to download on the iOS App Store, boasting a proud five-star rating. It’s been claimed as a great side hustle that’s perfect for busy students balancing a rigorous course load.

how does raide work?

Raide allows students to make passive income by renting out clothes straight from their own closets. As a user, you can create your own profile and upload any clothes you want and then decide the price for which you rent or sell them.

There is easy communication through the messaging service between the renter and owner of the item, making drop-off and pick-up a breeze. The search bar and keyword icons allow users to look specifically for whatever they’re in need of. Game day fits, semi or formal dresses, shoes, and so much more are now just a tap away!

In order to raise awareness for Raide, Foristall created an ambassador program open for FSU students to join and promote Raide. I applied and was selected as an ambassador, getting the opportunity to share everything about the company throughout my sophomore year. I was lucky enough to learn about the ins and outs of how Raide operates, working firsthand with Kennedy Joy.

Every update and feature added to Raide is intentionally designed to fit the needs of FSU students, and genuine love and passion are poured into the app.

Raide is truly a multi-purpose app. It allows students to earn some money, reduce their use of fast fashion companies, and expand their social circles. It has fostered friendships between students all across FSU. At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to make a few extra dollars!

From my experience, I have met the sweetest people who I’ve rented clothes from and vice versa. Without Raide, I can confidently say I wouldn’t be given the same opportunities to make these special connections (or fund my coffee addiction).

If you’re ever in need of some extra spending money, Raide is the place for you. After all, it’s borrowing made better. You can visit their Instagram page and get “ready to Raide!”

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A third year at Florida State University pursuing a double major in Psychology and Editing, Writing, and Media. Gracie Abrams and Taylor Swift enthusiast, lover of coffee, romance novels, and all things Sex and the City.