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The Most Unhinged Things Seen on FSU Game Days This Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

College football game days can hold some of the best memories of a student’s time at college. The energy, fans, and traditions all add up to create some unforgettable experiences during one of the nation’s favorite pastimes. Students at Florida State University got to experience this at home games this semester, cheering on their football team in a sold-out Doak Campbell Stadium, all hoping for their chance to watch their team play at the National Championship in January.

I think Doak has been home to the most electric sports environment I’ve ever seen, easily outranking NFL, NHL, and MLB games I’ve attended. My experience this season was somehow even more energetic than last year’s, especially at the games against Duke University and FSU’s conference rival, the University of Miami.

If I’ve learned anything about FSU football this year, it’s that with great energy comes great entertainment, and there certainly were some crazy things seen at the home games this season. Here’s a short list of some of those crazy things!

The Student Section Cutoff

Getting into the student section of Doak has been a true battle this year. If you’re not getting to the games at least 45 minutes before kickoff, be prepared to be blocked by FSUPD and find an empty seat elsewhere in the stadium. At every game, the student section is at maximum capacity, which also means you can’t leave to get a drink or food or go to the bathroom because your spot won’t be there when you get back (that is, if you can even get back in).

Garnet the Goldfish

Garnet the Goldfish has become a new celebrity on FSU’s campus and in the student section of Doak, and it’s an interesting thing to see. His owner brings him to the game in a Petco plastic bag filled with water and is always in the front row cheering on the team. Garnet has also been able to meet some notable FSU faces, including head football coach Mike Norvell and University President Richard McCullough. He’s even been in the locker room when the football team does the “breaking the rock” tradition multiple times now.

Joe Exotic’s Look-Alike

Joe Exotic unexpectedly became an enemy of FSU’s student body this season. He threatened legal action against quarterback Jordan Travis when Travis was dubbed “Tiger King” (Exotic’s unofficial title) after the FSU football team defeated both Louisiana State University and Clemson University.

It came as a surprise to see a Joe Exotic look-alike at an FSU home game this year. He had many people wondering if the real Exotic had been released from prison.

Students being ARRESTED

While FSU students know how to have a good time, we don’t always make the best decisions. It seems like at every game, at least one student is arrested and escorted from the student section, but they’re always cheered on as they leave with support from their peers.

The Kevin James Fourth Quarter Video

This was a new addition to FSU games this year, and it gets the crowd excited for the fourth quarter. Doak’s jumbotron plays the iconic video of actor and comedian Kevin James saying, “God bless our troops, God bless America, and gentlemen, start your engines!” at a Daytona 500 race. It’s very unexpected after the Marching Chiefs play the “Fourth Quarter Fanfare,” but it certainly gets the crowd ready for the game’s finale.

University of Miami Fans

While I’ve seen fans from other schools in the Doak student section during FSU football games before, the University of Miami fans were definitely the most interesting. They made it a mission to be extra enthusiastic in favor of Miami but then got offended when FSU students taunted them or made fun of their school. If you’re choosing to sit in the student section of your rival team’s stadium, you’d better expect some criticism!

Alex Mastromanno’s Mullet

This one speaks for itself, but our punter’s hair choice may be bolder than Harry Styles’ buzzcut.

Honorable Mention: The Clemson Game

While it may not be a home game, the energy around the Clemson game was amazing, especially when I watched it at the FSU Student Union. There was a large crowd watching the game go into overtime, and then a group of middle schoolers walked in on a tour of the campus. They stayed and watched, but looked terrified of the college students screaming at a TV.

The FSU football team is now finished with home games at Doak for the season. However, they still have a rivalry game against the University of Florida, the ACC Championship game, a bowl game (maybe the playoffs!), and hopefully a trip to the National Championship. Stay tuned for some more Tallahassee antics!

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Michaela Galligan is a staff writer with Her Campus at Florida State University. She writes on a variety of topics, and especially enjoys covering sports, politics, and travel. She is also a staff writer for FSView and Florida Flambeau and the Florida State University Political Review, covering breaking news across campus and politics, her work appearing online and in print. She is involved in politics at local, state, and national levels, working on campaigns and in Congressional and Democratic Party offices. Michaela is a third-year student at Florida State University, originally from Tampa, FL. She is pursuing a dual degree in Editing, Writing, & Media Studies and Political Science with a minor in Communications and hopes to one day enter the field of political or sports journalism and reporting. In her free time, Michaela loves reading, watching movies and television shows, attending sporting events, and being with friends, family, and her dog, Macy.